After cleaning filter, what is the best oil to spray on the filter? I know K&N makes their own "special" spray, but I would think there are other oils lying around the house that will do just as good. Any ideas know to work? Thanks, Wallace in Ga
Buy K&N oil in a bottle (not spray). By some cheap plastic dispensing syringes. Look up how much oil to use on the K&N website. Apply the correct amount with a syringe. A thin bead down each pleat should do it. It will spread through the filter over night. Amazon has everything. Other oils are definitely not as good. You need sticky, not slippery.
I use the K&N kit on my race dirt bikes it last for a while, cleans and lubes great yes sticky tacky lightly is what you want like Hulks said .In dusty conditions use the wife’s panty hose as a pre filter works great .