LED Lights Recommendations

Very nice look. I did decide to go with the 24 white/24 amber on the front, I hope I will like it. Thanks for your reply, I am supposed to get mine Wednesday. I am pretty excited to see what I end up with. I think that these turn signal lights along with my new LED Daymaker should certainly make me more noticeable to other drivers.
Oh Yeah! I think you love it. If I recall, CD has a nice smoked lens cover that, in my opinion, sets it off really nice. These don't have any effect on how bright the LED's are because they are so bright anyway. Post a picture when you get finished.

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Looks great Bluebowtie. Too bad pictures + daylight do absolutely no justice to the real thing. Previously I owned a Dyna Switchback which I put the Daymaker LED headlight and LED aux lights on. They ARE bright. I guess I will add the aux lights to my SGS after I get the LED Daymaker headlight and CD LED turn signals installed. Pictures will follow, I will do some before and after shots.
Looks great Bluebowtie. Too bad pictures + daylight do absolutely no justice to the real thing. Previously I owned a Dyna Switchback which I put the Daymaker LED headlight and LED aux lights on. They ARE bright. I guess I will add the aux lights to my SGS after I get the LED Daymaker headlight and CD LED turn signals installed. Pictures will follow, I will do some before and after shots.

Thanks! You are correct pictures do not do any justice.

Sent from the mobile leash
I installed the Daymaker LED headlight this afternoon. Slight pain in the a$$ getting the old harness off due to the grey pin that attached the old harness to the frame and reattaching the trim ring back on while keeping the rubber gasket straight but overall a piece of cake. Maybe a 3 out of 10 on the PIA scale at the worst. Brightness when looking directly into it is blinding. It appears that it is aimed quite low so I raised the beam a couple of turns on the adjustment screw. A ride later on when it is completely dark will tell. Tomorrow the Custom Dynamics LED turn signals are scheduled to arrive. We shall see how that install goes. Stay tuned.
GAFLHXS - The CD LED's should be a much easier install. It took me less than 10 minutes for all four.

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