Mysterious 'etching' on heat shield.


Jun 20, 2016
When polishing bike the other day, noticed this kind of etching or scratches on my back heat shield. Just appeared one day and don't how or why, for its not in area where I would be doing any work with any tools, etc. And it's not in an area road debris would kick up on.
Figured it may be a defect in the chrome from excessive heat or something. Harley service rep says he's never seen anything like it before, thus not something under warranty. 2016 SGS.

Any thoughts?

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My first impression, is that it's an inferior chrome job in that area

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I think I would be finding another dealer. Just because that service person has never seen it makes it not covered???? If that was the case, nothing would be covered. That definitely should be covered under warranty! Heat shields should be plentiful on ebay with all the aftermarket pipes sold.
You have a M8? If so and go with a new shield, I am looking to sell mine at some point

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Burned in duck tape residue.

Nope, never used any duct tape or anything on that part of the bike, just Harley brand metal polish. It's as if some took a dremel or something and just scratched away.
I did notice that the exhaust pipe underneath is really dark and purple-ish.
Bike has just under 8k miles.

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Looks like it's over where the hose clamp attaches it to the pipe. The dealer should replace this piece. Looks like the heat caused it from the clamp.

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Kinda looks like a polishing cloth pattern. Maybe some polish residue that didn't get fully wiped off and then burnt in the pattern after it got hot? Might try some semi chrome on it.

Mysterious 'etching' on heat shield.

Is was the clamp underneath causing the problem. Same thing is starting on the front heat shield as well. HD service couldn't figure one why, but they are replacing the shields anyway ... under warranty.
Could it be that the addition of the heat deflectors are causing an exorbitant amount of heat buildup in that area?

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Is was the clamp underneath causing the problem. Same thing is starting on the front heat shield as well. HD service couldn't figure one why, but they are replacing the shields anyway ... under warranty.
Could it be that the addition of the heat deflectors are causing an exorbitant amount of heat buildup in that area?

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Probably a freak defect with the coating steps before the chrome is applied. You will probably never have that happen again. Glad it was warranted.

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Update. Service replaced all the heat shields under warranty. However, at that time, they noticed the rear rocker leaking oil. It's a 2016 SGS with less than 9k. Service said its common, true?
But since it's still under warranty, they fixed them.

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