Hey everyone, I've come across this site a few times and figured I might as well join the fun. Everyone seems to get along great, and the info had been useful to me since I got a hold of my 14 SG.
My name is Derrick, and I'm currently soaking up the sun (and rain) in Orlando. Upgraded from my last bike, a 12 Sporty 72, which served me well for the time I had it, but wanted to get the bigger, badder Street Glide with all of its nice features.
Haven't done much to the bike so far, but I have already swapped out all the run/turn/tail bulbs for LEDs. I plan to make the exhaust a little bit louder in the future, probably just by cutting out the baffles.
Sorry about the picture, it's the only one I have of it so far.
My name is Derrick, and I'm currently soaking up the sun (and rain) in Orlando. Upgraded from my last bike, a 12 Sporty 72, which served me well for the time I had it, but wanted to get the bigger, badder Street Glide with all of its nice features.
Haven't done much to the bike so far, but I have already swapped out all the run/turn/tail bulbs for LEDs. I plan to make the exhaust a little bit louder in the future, probably just by cutting out the baffles.
Sorry about the picture, it's the only one I have of it so far.