Project Abyss


New member
Sep 8, 2020
Kicking off my first major project.

2015 SGS with 5500 miles

The plan is:
New paint with quite a bit of color matching.
Some black powder coating.
FuelMoto 107" kit.
V&H Intake and Pro Pipe.
AdvanBlack extended bags and lower fairings.
FatBaggers 1.5" diameter, 12" flat top bars w/ Harley heated grips.
Metzler Cruise Tech tires.
Progressive monotube fork cartridge kit.
Bitubo 13" rear shocks.
Clearview GT windshield.
Bike already has HD Boom Stage 2, so will give that a try for a while.

I'm sure I'll be asking some questions along the way!

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Kicking off my first major project.

2015 SGS with 5500 miles

The plan is:
New paint with quite a bit of color matching.
Some black powder coating.
FuelMoto 107" kit.
V&H Intake and Pro Pipe.
AdvanBlack extended bags and lower fairings.
FatBaggers 1.5" diameter, 12" flat top bars w/ Harley heated grips.
Metzler Cruise Tech tires.
Progressive monotube fork cartridge kit.
Bitubo 13" rear shocks.
Clearview GT windshield.
Bike already has HD Boom Stage 2, so will give that a try for a while.

I'm sure I'll be asking some questions along the way!


Keep us posted!!
Off to paint this this week!

Change to plan. Just going to do an Andrews 57h Cam (full kit from Fuel Moto) this season. Will finish off the rest of the motor in the fall.

Also adding Hogworkz mid frame heat shields to the list.

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I just recently did the CruiseTec on mine, you will like them

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
@mvrigger glad you like them; tough choice.

Coming together...thought I'd keep a bit of the green. Will see how it all comes together in the next few weeks?


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