rim cleaning


New member
Jul 27, 2014
What does everyone recommend for cleaning the 2014 SG stock rims. My last bike had coated rimms so using any sort of metal/chrome cleaner was a big no-no. The rims look to be aluminum on the edges, but what about the black parts, is that coated or is some sort of metal cleaner used on the whole thing?
Just wash them off with a good car wash soap and water... thats all it takes. machined finish of the rims takes no work... I think they are coated because they are always corrosion free...
Nothing special on my scoot. Just soap and water and air blow dry. Very easy compared to my Road King's wheels.
I was reading(go figure) my owners manual, and it has a section in care an cleaning that the wheels should be cleaned with (of course) Harley wash then followed up with a product that Harley sells that is just for bare metal. failure to do this will allow the bare part to oxidize and turn grey, this is not covered by warranty. that's not word for word, but the meat and potatoes of it.

Airhead, thanks for the info, I went back and read my owners manual about cleaning the rims and it did state like you said. I went to my Harley dealer and asked about it and they did recommend the wipes they sell for bare aluminum. The parts guy said it works on the bare metal part but I shouldn't get it on the painted black part. Seems like a lot of work but they say it only needs to be done once or twice a year to keep the oxidation from happening. I need to get a lift, would make it a lot easier.
You wony get oxidation if you regularly clean them... thats the key

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