Road Glide is starting to grow on me. Better cornering abilities than a SG?


New member
Sep 2, 2017
Any of you guys ever thought of getting a road glide special? Its starting to grow on me.Im 31 years old, 255 lbs and 6 feet tall. Still highly intersted in the SGS but now starting to consider the roadglide. Also coming from a CBR1000 I saw a video on youtube of a harley dude saying the Road glide can corner harder than the street glide and is more of a mix between the crotch rocket and a touring as well as more fun to ride? Any thoughs on this?
Spazz switched from a SGS to a RG extra special so I think he may be a good one to answer it. I can't speak for him, but I believe he prefers the RG but that is for him to say.
I have both, very similar since chassis is the same. In cross winds RG has an advantage since obviously fairing attached to frame but besides that hard to tell the difference. Bikes are heavy so its not like SG is all over in cross winds and RG solid, more like slight difference in shake. I get asked often if i could only have one which would I pick and hate to be shallow but I would pick the one with the better paint job..
I have a friend that has the Road Glide Ultra and he flat rips around sharp curves with his wife on back so they must handle good, With any of these new Larger bikes, You must learn the art of Counter steering or you will get pushed trough the first corner.. The center of gravity is way taller than my Low rider, There 800 lbs of moving Mass, At your height either bike will be close its just your preference. The steering on the Road Glide is lighter, less weight of the Bat wing, I don't notice the bat wing I notice the High center of gravity weights at the Gas tank vs the Transmission/Engine on my low rider. I think this is because the frame is taller seat is taller. Bother the RGS or SGS are very nice scoots. Good luck
I have both, very similar since chassis is the same. In cross winds RG has an advantage since obviously fairing attached to frame but besides that hard to tell the difference. Bikes are heavy so its not like SG is all over in cross winds and RG solid, more like slight difference in shake. I get asked often if i could only have one which would I pick and hate to be shallow but I would pick the one with the better paint job..
Good info..
I made the switch.....

For me.... the difference is big enough to say I prefer the RG over the SG....

RG cuts the wind much better.... in saying that.... I don't mean just an average wind. Slight difference can be felt in average wind... but get a 30mph crosswind and the RG cuts right through it without issue. The SG feels to me ( NOW after lots of seat time on the RG ) like a 4x8 sheet of plywood is strapped to my forks. I can feel wind on the SG... not on the RG.

The front end is much more nimble on the RG without all the faring weight hangin on the forks.... I the throw it in the corners with much less effort.... yeah.... I ride aggressive and the bottom of my boards and extended bags proves it... they drag a lot.
If I were you go test ride both of them, that way you know for sure which one is for you. I have not tried RG but my neighbor has one and we both ride very hard on our bikes. Including ripping through corners and straight shots, both bikes are 2015. I like both, they both look nice, I will switch with my neighbor to test it out the next time we go riding......he will **** his pants after he ride mine with new performance engine upgrade....LOL!!!!
Damn, that's tight. Im going to test ride the RGS next weekend. Thanks all for the info. Reason why I came to this forum!
Im hoping that coming from the metric bike world riding the SG or RG etc is similar on the cornering even though they're complelty different bikes.
Im hoping that coming from the metric bike world riding the SG or RG etc is similar on the cornering even though they're complelty different bikes.
It's all in the geometry of design.... I came from the crotch rockets (R1) there is NO COMPARISON on that end of the spectrum.

The countersteer principles remain the same.... but you work harder at it and need to adjust your 'throw' due to 825+ lbs under you... you get used to it.

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