Rough feeling when turning


New member
Jun 13, 2016
I noticed the other day that when I lean and turn left or right there seems to be a rough feeling in the front end, almost feels like a slight grinding. I don't feel anything when going straight down the road and nothing seems loose. Brakes are fine and wheel seems straight and tire is fine.
Could be wheel bearing(s), or possibly the gooseneck bearings (triple tree). You say it feels ok in a strait line, so I assume that going over bumps doesn’t raise concern? If the gooseneck has a problem you might notice it over bumps. The lateral stress in corners will highlight wheel bearing issues. The first thing I’d examine would be wheel bearings.
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Check front wheel bearings..... I had mine go out a year ago around 25,000 miles. We were on trip down south and made it to a dealer for repair. These are ball bearings, and if you read and check on this, they don't seem to last long. I bought bearing puller/installer from Pit Posse and rear bearings for mine. I plan to change bearings every other tire change. You don't want to do what I did and run 70 mph down the highway and have one let go!!!
I just had this same issue after closer inspection turned out to be front tire issue similar to cupping 12k miles on stock tires
I think I may have caused this issue by not paying closer attention to tire pressure
So I just replaced both tires with new Dunlops Vibration Issue in turns gone

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