Shooting in WACO, Tx

Here comes the next round of gun control policies. :mad:
Yup.....and it won't matter at all that most of those guys are probably convicted felons and should never have been in possession of guns in the first place.......but then again silly little things like facts never stop those guys :D
I recognized two of the gang names, hadn't heard of the 3rd. I don't know where these guys run, but I've never seen them in that area when passing through or in the Hill Country runs.
Some of my Brothers were there... no one hurt from us though....
Man that sounds like some Son's of Anarchy foolishness going on there. 9 people dead over what started as a parking space dispute WOW
I really wish people would quit calling MCs gangs. They are not gangs they are clubs. If we perpetuate the term gangs then every group of folks that ride together will be eventually classified as a gang and will then fall under the same scrutiny as the Crips, Bloods and MS13 from law enforcement.

Think I'm joking ask Utah. Any group of 3 or more people gathered together sharing like minded ideas, dressed in a similar fashion is classified as a gang. You can thank people calling the Straight Edge crowd a gang for that little piece of wise legislation.

Don't give the Man any more reason/power to take control.
It's just gotten out of hand over the last 7 going on 8 years. I've seen a steady decline in common sense and a steady rise in aggravated stupidity. Not to preach but there is only one cure for stupidity and its permanent. You cant control a human's free will, and passing laws that criminals are going to break anyway only ties the hands of law abiding people. Remember " Power can corrupt the absolute, but absolute power corrupts absolutely"(Lord John E.E.D. Action).

As far as the gang thing, I guess it differs from state to state on the definition, as here you have to be involved in corrupt/criminal activity. So in Utah you 3 or more of the same like minded minds ect. and that makes up a gang? Then respectfully what happens with a guy that has 3 wives lol?
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"Clubs" don't conduct themselves the way those involved in Waco yesterday did, GANGS do.
If I may I would like to speak on this. First I am in agreement with evlink calling all 3 piece patch CLUBS a gang isn't fair judgement. That be like saying ALL minority's are criminals because some have gone to jail. Sorry but that is ludicrous and very offensive to us in that world. I have and will continue to ride in this world with so many others that signed their name on the dotted line to protect this country and it's citizens. To be judge as a thug because a few bad elements act like fools.
If I may I would like to speak on this. First I am in agreement with evlink calling all 3 piece patch CLUBS a gang isn't fair judgement. That be like saying ALL minority's are criminals because some have gone to jail. Sorry but that is ludicrous and very offensive to us in that world. I have and will continue to ride in this world with so many others that signed their name on the dotted line to protect this country and it's citizens. To be judge as a thug because a few bad elements act like fools.

Well said BaggerJay.... I'm with you 110% on this.... I'm glad you said it the way you did.... I would not have been so 'correct' and therefore did not post quickly....
This hit a little too close to home, being 3 hours north. 'They' have now declared war on us l e o, and have orders to kill uniformed officers. Intel suggests that they're en route from New Mexico and Arkansas to regroup.

Bring it.
You make sure you be safe out there 12B46!!! This is not a good situation in my book... Just puts a bad rap on those clubs that are just that....Clubs....
Don't misunderstand me. Not all clubs are gangs, this is true. But when your group harbors and promotes the mentality which leads to events such as in Waco yesterday, then the "gang" title is not wrong. No one, in any of those groups, was planning on a peaceful meeting to iron out differences with all of the weapons they brought along.

I ride independent because I choose to but in over 35 years on two wheels I have been friends with many people who wore any number of club colors. Most were good people, some weren't and that's why we parted ways.

It is the culture that the club leadership allows to grow that determines if a group is a gang or not.

At the end of the day anyone on two wheels gets thrown into the same group stereotype based on the ignorant actions of a few.
This hit a little too close to home, being 3 hours north. 'They' have now declared war on us l e o, and have orders to kill uniformed officers. Intel suggests that they're en route from New Mexico and Arkansas to regroup.

Bring it.
you be careful little brother you know you will be in my prayers after 25 yrs we been rolling together. Since we were just kids. Don't let the few bad apples win. Keep your head on a swivel
This hit a little too close to home, being 3 hours north. 'They' have now declared war on us l e o, and have orders to kill uniformed officers. Intel suggests that they're en route from New Mexico and Arkansas to regroup.

Bring it.

Nice Pin, glad to see another l e o, I wear that same emblem.
Hyou be careful little brother you know you will be in my prayers after 25 yrs we been rolling together. Since we were just kids. Don't let the few bad apples win. Keep your head on a swivel

Always brother. I'll always win and go home to my family, by any means necessary. Speed. Surprise. Violence of action. Hence the 12B46.

Miss you Jarhead.

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