Shooting in WACO, Tx

Stay safe, and if you must, shoot straight! Always 12 before 6, in the desert or on the street. Prayers going out brother.
First off I stand behind GOOD law enforcement 100% and I call several leo's my brothers.

With that being said there are RUMORS flying from ground zero that several if not all the deaths were by police. I have no clue how true that is but it is just as likely a gun fight between the Cossacs and Banditos. One over zealous rookie can start a **** storm with a quickness.

Lets hold judgements until all the facts are in, if we ever get all the facts that is.

12B46 can you get any solid intel seeings how you seem to be closest?
Bikers, Clubs, and Gangs are as different as vegetables. Maybe they are all members of the human race, but for many riders, that is the only commonality.
Manufacturing and selling drugs to mothers, fathers, children…..promoting prostitution…..stealing…..intimidation….vulgarity…..and any other behavior that is detrimental to the morality of this nation……is NOT a Club…..that is the behavior of a Gang.

Clubs promote well being in their community and throughout this sinking country....just by proper behavior.

Bikers is a term that tends to group all of us as one. I am a Biker. I choose, mostly, to ride alone. But, as a Biker, I do not tolerate Gangs. Studies show that gangs are mostly made up of lost souls who have been lacking in family and love throughout their lives.

I worked an Easy Rider Rodeo as Security in 1991 in Georgia. The Outlaws were there. Security was told the Outlaws would stay on their side of the grounds, while the public would have to stay on the other side. Security met with the leader of the Outlaws. We were told the public was not to take a picture of the Outlaws, and if there was a problem with one of their members, to come get certain members of the Outlaws, and they would tend to their own people. There were no issues during the three days, other than the Outlaws, and Others, morality. I have never seen such a sorry display of humanity in my entire life.

Do a search on Gangs in this country….MS13 and the like. They may be closer to your neighborhood than you realize.

Long live Bikers and Clubs…..BUT not Gangs!
Bikers, Clubs, and Gangs are as different as vegetables. Maybe they are all members of the human race, but for many riders, that is the only commonality.
Manufacturing and selling drugs to mothers, fathers, children…..promoting prostitution…..stealing…..intimidation….vulgarity…..and any other behavior that is detrimental to the morality of this nation……is NOT a Club…..that is the behavior of a Gang.

Clubs promote well being in their community and throughout this sinking country....just by proper behavior.

Bikers is a term that tends to group all of us as one. I am a Biker. I choose, mostly, to ride alone. But, as a Biker, I do not tolerate Gangs. Studies show that gangs are mostly made up of lost souls who have been lacking in family and love throughout their lives.

I worked an Easy Rider Rodeo as Security in 1991 in Georgia. The Outlaws were there. Security was told the Outlaws would stay on their side of the grounds, while the public would have to stay on the other side. Security met with the leader of the Outlaws. We were told the public was not to take a picture of the Outlaws, and if there was a problem with one of their members, to come get certain members of the Outlaws, and they would tend to their own people. There were no issues during the three days, other than the Outlaws, and Others, morality. I have never seen such a sorry display of humanity in my entire life.

Do a search on Gangs in this country….MS13 and the like. They may be closer to your neighborhood than you realize.

Long live Bikers and Clubs…..BUT not Gangs!

Well said Bones!
In my many years of riding I know many members of many clubs all good people. Although I see no need to join a club because it is not my nature I am always welcome to ride with several different club members because I have know these folks for many years. I am a neutral independent and respected as such.
A thread that is running concurrently addresses firearm possession and I see no need to advertise my position regarding that. Your guess as to how many and where! LOL

LoW and Slow,

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Bingo! My thought as well.
Depends on where you are though right??.............In AZ almost everyone carries as there are no permits required here for CC other than if you want to enter an establishment that serves alcohol :D
Depends on where you are though right??.............In AZ almost everyone carries as there are no permits required here for CC other than if you want to enter an establishment that serves alcohol :D

Not saying not to carry. I just don't advertise if, what, where or how.

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