Stutter off idle consistently before oil changes


New member
May 24, 2023
2021 SG 107 stage 2
15,000 miles

the past two services, I did oil and transmission fluid changes.
for about 500 miles prior to service time, the bike would be sluggish off the line.
after those fluids changed all was good.

plugs done at 10k but not 15k. dont think they mattered.

primary fluid made no change, tried that 5 times during that last 10k miles and made no difference

any thoughts
Did you check the fluid levels in the primary to see if it was high due to transmission oil migration into primary? I know this issues should have been resolved by 2020 model. This could be a cause but you will need to check the level after a few thousand miles since service. Or you can have engine oil sumping issues. There is a plug that seals the return oil flow that in some instances is protruding into oil passage and restricting oil return flow. I forgot the Mfg who makes a shorter plug but there is a video on DK customs exposing the issue.

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