Tour-Pak "Model Year Cross-Breeding"

Big Willie

New member
Feb 10, 2014
Hello and thanks for taking time to read my post!

I hope this is the right area of the forum for this topic (yup... it's one of my first posts).

I’ve used the search function for a good portion of my project. I’m hoping that someone can clarify/verify and inform for the following item(s)/issue(s).

Here is what I have:
2011 Street Glide in Sedona Orange.
A Craig’s List purchased Tour-Pak from what I was told is a 2008 Ultra.

Here is what I am looking for information on. Please forgive me if these answers are easily found with the search function on the Forum. I did not find the same year(s) crossing.

• The “Tub” of this Tour-Pak has been cracked in an accident (not me). If I’m not mistaken, the “Tub” is made of ABS Plastic. Is this correct? If not, what is the “Tub” made of?

• I have purchased a “Plastic Welder” to repair the crack. Are there any issues/concerns I should be aware of before I use the “Plastic Welder” to perform the repair? Is there any better repair method? If so, what is it?

• I have a “Quick Attach” Mount coming to attach the Tour-Pak to the docking hardware on my bike. If I have understood the information found on this forum correctly, I need to grind the area where the older tube style mount (found on pre 2009) went so it’s flat to accept the new mounting plate/quick attach. It also sounds like I’ll need to drill new mounting holes. Are there any other things I need to know about? Details on where to drill so I ensure proper location of the Tour-Pak?

• The Tour-Pak has lights on the sides and back. It has both radio and CB antenna mounts. In the “wrap-around” back rest it has speakers. Can all of these items be used on my 2011 Street Glide? If they can, what needs to be done and how (please be as detailed as possible – P/N’s…)? What kind of lights are on the Ultra (Running, Brake, Turn Signal)?

• What is the best option for upgrading the speakers in this Tour-Pak? I have Biketronics Amp & Speakers in the Faring…

• What/where to get the info on the 2011 Sedona Orange? I’ll need to get the Tour-Pak painted. How do I go about getting paint to match my bike? I did see the post about CPV for a paint match option. Anything else?

I’m sorry for the long winded post! Being disabled due to an accident (watch out for “20 something” year old - distracted - chicks in large SUV’s – I lost), I have more time than money. I would like to do it right the first time.

Thank you in advance for your time and input!



This Post has 71 Views over about a week, and not a single reply. So… was it something I said? Is it just too soon? I would GREATLY appreciate any positive input to help me with my project.

This summer may be my only option to get a Ride/Trip in. Due to the accident, I’ve got a bunch of titanium in my neck and back (I tell the Old Lady, she gets scrap value when I die). The surgery kept me from becoming a Quadriplegic. The down side is, my physical condition continues to get worse. Time is not on my side…

I want to get this project done soon & right, find a time when my body will allow a ride, grab a friend I’ve known since high school (he rides/has a bike too), pack the bike and hit the road for as long as my broken ass holds out (Bucket List).

It appears this Forum has some knowledgeable people that can wrench. What do I need to do to get some help?


Welcome to the fun Big Willie. I have no experience on your project but I know a few who have converted the older style tour packs for the 14 and newer by adding a 3/8 spacer and getting rid of the rib on the bottom of the pack. One of the things I have learned around here is to have patience and the answer will appear soon. As for the paint I have a friend who has that color and it is really hard to match as he found out with inner fairing and front fenders. Some of the members only check in every once in a while.
I had the old style pak and the new mounting bracket. I mounted the pack to the "U" bar and an aluminum plate. Then the plate to the new pack. You may have to remove the pak and drill holes and mount the plate to the new mounting bracket first.

I never thought of grinding the channel away on the pack. Not sure I would do that.

Hope that helps.
I have not heard of anything positive from a plastic welder especially on load bearing surfaces.

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I mounted the exact same tour pak on my 2014 sg
First i ground off the 2 ridges under the tour pak. This was to allow the 2 up mounting bracket
to be able to slide back and forth to adjust later.
Then i centered the rack and marked the holes and used 4x1/4 bolts with nylon lock nuts.
between the rack and the tour pak i used 4 rubber washers approx 3/8 thick.
This is allow clearance for the saddlebag lids to swing open.
As for the wiring i still have not had time to build my own harness and wire it into the bike
with a quick disconnect plug
You can look into a conversion kit also for led lighting
I talked to a friend of mine who does a lot of body work.
the best way to repair the tour pak is from the inside. start by roughing up the whole lenght of
where the crack is. lay on some resin and webbed fiberglass about 3 layers of resin and fiberglass
should do. make sure the resin works its way through the crack. let it harden up after . seeing you
have to paint it sand the outside and lay in some very thin bodyfill if the crack still shows.
prep primer and paint after
stator 2541
Thank You!

Thank You!

A big thanks to TomA, Jimbo670, evlink2006, danoday and STATOR2541 for your replies!

I will get to work on the repairs and mounting.

If anyone has any info on wiring and harness part numbers, that would be great too!

Thanks again!


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