Touring Seat Recommendations


May 17, 2016
I definitely have to get a different seat. They are expensive so curious what seats others have liked. I am leaning towards a Mustang.

It was also suggested that I get a drivers back rest that is adjustable to help with back pain I am experiencing after longer rides. Any recommendations for that as well?
My experience with the Mustangs is that the foam is a little light of density. The one I had was really comfortable for about 100 miles and by then the foam was compressed and it felt like I was riding on the seat pan. I have a C & C solo seat with backrest now and I can ride all day in comfort. They use a medium density foam but it isn't as stiff as the Corbin seats I've ridden on.
Contact mean city cycles. I had my stock seat customized. They have a ton of different options and have probably the best customer service ive experienced. They will go out of their way to make sure that you are taken care of.

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I definitely have to get a different seat. They are expensive so curious what seats others have liked. I am leaning towards a Mustang.

It was also suggested that I get a drivers back rest that is adjustable to help with back pain I am experiencing after longer rides. Any recommendations for that as well?

I've ran Mustang seats in the past and have been very happy with them so I think you'd be happy if you went that route. At the moment, however, I am running a Corbin seat which I am REALLY liking as well so that's another manufacturer I'd encourage to consider.

Hope this helps!

Lindsey :0)
I have a Sundowner that then was modified by Mean City Cycle. 2 inches down and 2 back with memory foam in the riders section. Super affordable and I can do a 1000 mile day in comfort.

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I have a sundowner too. I squared up the back rest part of the seat a bit myself and may open it up again to slim it down for leg room. It's definitely wider than my 32" waist needs so.

The seat is damn comfy to me. I couldn't do 200 miles on the stock seat but rode Phoenix to Colorado Springs without a problem. Even took the scenic route!

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I had a Mustang vintage wide tripper and loved it. It moved me back an inch and a 1/2 at 6 3 that was enjoyable as well

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Thanks everyone. I got through my 3,100 mile trip with a borrowed gel pad. It helped the tail bone pain. I figure at this point I will wait until the spring to get a new seat since my riding season will be over soon. Gives me time to save up. :)
I bought a sundowner and it's working great for me. I'm 6'0 and 220

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EBAY has a brand new 2014-2017 Ultra Limited seat for $200 or less. They are comfortable for touring and passengers. Wallace
EBAY has a brand new 2014-2017 Ultra Limited seat for $200 or less. They are comfortable for touring and passengers. Wallace

Thanks. I just bought it. Figured it was worth a try. The price was down to $168.
Hope you do like it, I have one that I change out on my 2016 SGS when the wife rides. it is just a little plushier than the factory seat. Wallacem in Ga
That’s a steal of a price for a new seat, keep us posted , I’m hoping to try out a ultra seat soon. I’m looking to get a little lower . Wife needs the Cush. I’m hoping the local Harley dealer has one to demo
That’s a steal of a price for a new seat, keep us posted , I’m hoping to try out a ultra seat soon. I’m looking to get a little lower . Wife needs the Cush. I’m hoping the local Harley dealer has one to demo

Will do. If I don't like it, I now have an extra seat that I can send somewhere to have it modified.
I bought a used a Ultra seat last year for my SGS. Raised me about an inch but much more comfortable than stock and the wife loves it.
Thanks for the info. If I’m raised 1/2 inch I will drop my bike. It’s my only complaints being top heavy and tall but I have adapted well and love the streetglide .
I have a mustang solo low on my with a back rest which I don’t use really and for my wife I have the mustang 13” passenger seat. When you ride solo it’s nice to remove the rear seat.

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