All of us at one time or another had our first motorcycle which led us to where we are today. Tell us the year, your age and bike model with a posted pic (optional) on our path to the Street Glide.
Me: 1967, fresh out of high school and walking. I paid $200 for a 1963 Yamaha YDSE 250cc WITH electric start! Little did I know at the time that I would be using the kick starter exclusively as the generator was shot! I kept that 4 months until I got my Draft Notice and shipped out for Basic and as a Combat Medic in Viet Nam.
Me: 1967, fresh out of high school and walking. I paid $200 for a 1963 Yamaha YDSE 250cc WITH electric start! Little did I know at the time that I would be using the kick starter exclusively as the generator was shot! I kept that 4 months until I got my Draft Notice and shipped out for Basic and as a Combat Medic in Viet Nam.