A farmer friend said an old timer told him, around here we had a long wet spell, then a long dry spell and now we are back into a long wet spell. The old folks are pretty smart about that stuff.
I rode the SG to work yesterday. I was gonna ride today but there was a 30% chance of rain so I took the truck. ( Currently there is no one to cover my absence at work and my boss told me no days off for any excuse. ) Once at work the forecast changed to 0%, so I told my boss if he didn't mind, I wanted off work for one hour. He agreed, with a puzzled look on his face. I went home, got the chopper, and went back to work. He just shook his head, knowing I am a little crazy. Had fun showing it to folks at work. Tomorrow I take the SG to Savannah for the 1k. Lookin' forward to it......I work four tens.....no work on Fridays!