Hi there. Where I park my 2016 SGS, I don’t have access to an electric out to plug in a battery tender.
So I purchased Genius Boost (which works great BTW) and I keep all charged up and ready to go in my saddlebag.
Problem is everytime I would need it, I have to remove the seat and dismantle and everything to get to the post. I understand that the battery pigtail can’t handle the Boost jumper cable because of the wire size.
Would it be possible or safe to install the same size gauge cable or lead to positive battery terminal to act as pigtail (with the end covered with a thick rubber cap or something)? And when I need to jump start I simply connect the negative cable of the Boost the bikes body for ground and the Boosts positive to that new pigtail when needed?
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So I purchased Genius Boost (which works great BTW) and I keep all charged up and ready to go in my saddlebag.
Problem is everytime I would need it, I have to remove the seat and dismantle and everything to get to the post. I understand that the battery pigtail can’t handle the Boost jumper cable because of the wire size.
Would it be possible or safe to install the same size gauge cable or lead to positive battery terminal to act as pigtail (with the end covered with a thick rubber cap or something)? And when I need to jump start I simply connect the negative cable of the Boost the bikes body for ground and the Boosts positive to that new pigtail when needed?

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