Best full Exhaust for 2016

Recommendation.................use the search function.

There must be 20 or more threads on exactly this subject (2014+ will be the same) and you can get varying opinions. Candidly to come on here as a first time poster asking this question without taking the time to search is a little well.................not so thoughtful of others time when you can get the benefit from many people having previously taken the time to answer just this question with many different perspectives.

Please don't be scared away from this post....that's not the purpose but taking the time to do a little work on your own before asking others to do so your behalf may just not be the best way to get the info you are looking for......

And for xxxxxsake don't ask about what fluids to use in your bike! ;)
Welcome to SGF! Lots of good info and tips on here and of course there are times when the BS flows as well so stick around.
As Paul suggested (above) use the search feature and dig around a bit in the archives. Plenty to read on most subjects.

Low & Slow
Welcome to the fun. Just a little warning between friends hide your wallet and credit cards because hanging around here will lighten your wallet for sure too many awesome ideas and upgrades. As for the exhaust question go listen to some if you can.

Good luck
Welcome waitaminute.. A search will show you where people gravitate too based on their wants for exhaust.. Go to a meet and listen and look.. Your eye will tell you what you like.. Your ears will confirm it.. To each their own..

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Welcome to the forum. I'm a rhinehart fan. True duals. Like previously said, go listen to a few setups. Local Harley shop always a good place. No perfect setup although may be argued. It's more personal preference.
Good luck

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Running a Fullsac DX Pipe (full size crossover, true 2 into 1 into 2) with V&H Monster Ovals. Uses stock heat shields, sounds, runs and tunes up great. Very happy with this, not too loud but sounds great when you get on it, nice deep note.
Welcome to the forum. I'm a rhinehart fan. True duals. Like previously said, go listen to a few setups. Local Harley shop always a good place. No perfect setup although may be argued. It's more personal preference.
Good luck

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Ditto! Listen to a few other bike systems and then decide.
Get a Thunder Max Auto Tuner when you upgrade you exhaust, its expensive, 900.00 bucks but its well worth it in the long run. No more Dyno tuning for any upgrades. You have to decide what you want to spend but as I have learned over the last year, I have put about 11,000 in upgrades on my bike since I purchased it exactly 368 days ago. But its been worth it.IMG_4053.jpgIMG_4054.jpgIMG_4055.jpgIMG_4056.jpg
Ive got the slimline duals with the 4in mufflers from Rinehart and it looks,runs and sounds great.street glide.jpg
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"Best" exhaust is subjective to the person you ask. Each has their own preference. Performance increase, ground clearance, style, color, shape, diameter, loudness..... and even sound/tone (that is NOT loudness).
I prefer deep sound but not loud. Performance isn't an issue for me. 77 hp or 83 hp? Not an issue.

As mentioned..... your best bet is to go to an event where there are numerous different kinds of exhausts and listen to them and pick what you like.
I'll caveat what the other guys have mentioned. Rinehart true duals sound great. I unfortunately don't run them but wished I had.

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Like everyone has said, it's all up to what you like. I search for months before I ordered my bike. I finally settled on V&H dresser dual headers with 4" Runehart Slipons. For me it is the perfect rumble at idle and sounds amazing going down the road. I couldn't be any happier. image.jpg
And here we are almost a week later and everyone is jumping through hoops for a first time poster who has not even taken the time to introduce me an ass but I think this is pretty selfish internet .02
Best full Exhaust for 2016

It's all about fun. We all like talking about our Harley's! I don't think you're an ass. Just maybe overthinking it a bit. Let's go for a ride! Woohoo

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I have the Vance & Hines FP3 with Power Duals and OS Slipons. I absolutely love the low tone it growls out. It's fairly quiet when cruising but wakes up BIG TIME if you romp it.

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And here we are almost a week later and everyone is jumping through hoops for a first time poster who has not even taken the time to introduce me an ass but I think this is pretty selfish internet .02
2 months now..ya scared him
2 months now..ya scared him

Yeah you're probably right......he's probably been busy watching the DNC..... Looking for someone else to give him all the answers

Did I actually say that with my outside voice?????? Sorryboutthat

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Yeah you're probably right......he's probably been busy watching the DNC..... Looking for someone else to give him all the answers

Did I actually say that with my outside voice?????? Sorryboutthat

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Too funny, but I agree with you
I have V&H big radius with D&D headers and Thundermax tuner. It woke the bike up and sounds great too. my wife can tell when I am coming home so I am glad to have an original sound

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