Clutch slipping issue 2016 FLHXS


New member
Mar 26, 2023
I have a 2016 FLHXS with a stage 1 and 30k miles on it. When I accelerate hard through the gears as I shift into higher gears and release the clutch it seems to slip before it grabs slightly. I was going to get a Alto extra disk clutch pack with heavier spring but I dont see any videos on replacing a clutch pack for hydraulic clutch, is it essentially done the same as a cable clutch, with the same kit? Any help would be appreciated, Ive been looking for more info for 2 days now and now I am wondering if it could be an actuator issue. Id still like to replace the clutch pack anyway as I intend to get a big bore kit in the near future. So I gues another question would be is a hydraulic clutch pack the same as a cable clutch pack....Hope this made sense
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The clutch pack and basket sit in the primary. When was the last time the primary fluid changed? Plus, when was the last time that the clutch fluid was checked and changed?

Moisture build up in the clutch line, once warmed up by the exhaust, effectly adds pressure to the clutch release plate. This in turn cause the clutch pack to not fully return to normal operating conditions.

Changing out the primary oil will give an idea of the health of your clutch plates.

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