Created my own starter clutch issue.........


New member
Feb 19, 2017
I've searched extensively and can't find an answer to my dilemna. I got my 2010 SG in February. I got a pretty good deal on it due to mileage, (61,000). The bike needs a compensator which I'll be replacing soon. In the mean time I was going through the bike, checking the battery, (for age, out of curiosity), cables etc. Since there was a lot of positive feedback about All Balls starter clutches I figured I'd install one. I'd read that they had improved starting even on bikes that people weren't experiencing any particular problems with. I installed one tonight.

Everything went per what I had read online. It was an easy job. I reinstalled the starter and now when I start it the starter stays hung up on the ring gear. It's not as if the starter won't quit cranking due too being energized , it's hanging up and not being able to disengage. I pulled the starter back out and bench tested it. The starter operates flawlessly on the bench. I double checked the starter to inner primary mating surface thinking I had some bebris in there that was slightly cocking the starter and causing it to hang up. I found nothing there.

A little more potentially helpful info. I did not replace the O rings with new as they seemed fine and the replacements didn't seem as stout as the HD o rings. I made sure both dowels that the starter mounts to on the primary inner are in place. I tightened the starter evenly to prevent binding. I'm pulling my hair out on this one I just can't see whats wrong. Besides start up bang that i'm sure is compensator I had no starting problems before creating this one.

It was supposed to be a preventative upgrade,.....

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