I bought a German helmet from Daytona and I had to go with 4XL and I still have to trim the foam inside to fit my melon inside that helmet. It still won't fit me right, it looks as I have a bowl (upside down) on my head...good thing I did not pay much for it....ugh!
Shoei is the only helmet that fits me perfect. I have such a large melon 3XL and kind of square head, I have the hardest time finding the right fit. I tried HJC, Gmax, Bilt, Scorpion and none of them fit right, I get headache after wearing them for 5 minutes. When I went to CycleGear to get a helmet we tried almost the brands and Shoei is the only one that fits me and I was able to fit into 2XL. When the sales guy brought it to me and told me it was 2XL and said it'll fit me I told him good luck and bring a cutter just in case it'll not come off if I force my head to go in.....he laugh. I forced my head in and WOW.....it fits without any pinch or pressure. Then I was thinking now how do I get it off.....pull both straps and it came off. I did not care what the price tag was I bought it. I love that helmet, the only one that fits me perfect. I will buy another one if I am ready for one. Shoei XL1100 2XL Flat black