Dunlop American Elite tires

I got 18,250 miles out of the OEM Dunlop rear tire. Front still has 3-4,000 miles left in it??? Switching over to the Dunlop American Elite tomorrow. My friend sells the rear for $225 mounted and balanced, (gotta bring him the wheel), compared to the OEM Dunlop for $290.95 plus $50 to mount and balance from the stealership. Based on what I've read here, I think the American Elite will work great for this old geezer!
Good for you, sounds like an excellent price for a rear tire. I have AE Dunlops on my SG and I am very pleased with them.
I'm pleased with the original fitted dunlops,I have done about 6,000 miles (9,000 kilometres) and the tyres especially the rear have not shown any significant sign of wear...I'm not that hard a rider..
Taken from a mates advice I intend changing to American Elite and give them a run.
Both the original Dunlops and the American Elite are multi tread..
I stand corrected if I'm wrong
I posted this question on the Commander II thread as well. Hope that's ok, I would just really like an answer before I buy new rubber. The Commander IIs and the Dunlop American Elites have pretty comparable reviews, but a question nobody seems to definitively try to answer is, all things being equal, which one is the smoother and quieter riding tire on the highway?
Riding on the elite in the rear right now and so far so good. Thinking it is going to out last the stock Dunlop's by a little can't remember the milage right now.
I didn't get to wear out my American elites but they did last a long time and felt so much better than stock.

My 14 street glide got American elites at 21k miles. She had 40k when totalled and I still had tread available.

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Commander 2’s seem to ride smoother & grip better than the hard stock donlops, put a commander 2 on the bak first & luved it so I replaced the front with the same. Chris
I posted this question on the Commander II thread as well. Hope that's ok, I would just really like an answer before I buy new rubber. The Commander IIs and the Dunlop American Elites have pretty comparable reviews, but a question nobody seems to definitively try to answer is, all things being equal, which one is the smoother and quieter riding tire on the highway?

I had problems with cupping with the Commander II on the front of my 2014 SGS. I put on the American Elite over the winter so ill see how they work. I liked the Commander II until I started to hear the humming noise from the tire starting to cup.
1 guy had a defective tire , road it for 5 miles and decided to change to another brand still wishing he could have had the AE's ? Then put it on youtube , didn't make alot of sense to me.

I've had great results with my AE's as have many others .
1 guy had a defective tire , road it for 5 miles and decided to change to another brand still wishing he could have had the AE's ? Then put it on youtube , didn't make alot of sense to me.

I've had great results with my AE's as have many others .

Good video SG19, there's some good info in there. I never got much better mileage out of a Michelin over a Dunlop so I'll take the performance. I ride pretty aggressively and prefer the traction over the longevity.

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