How to create a specific route in HD Route Planner to avoid major roads


Nov 24, 2015
When I try to create a route consisting of backroads near a major road, the HD route planner seems to default and select the major road. Also if a back road is in between 2 or more major roads the planner will default and select a major road that would be faster than my selected back road. For example if my desired back road is near or crosses a major road the planner re routes my selected route to the major road.

I have tried to add a waypoint at the end of my back road where it is near or crosses a major road and add another waypoint on the other end but it re-routes to the major road.

Very frustrating any ideas what I am doing wrong if anything or if there are better apps for creating a route that can be imported to my NAV? (2016 SGS)
Click on show directions, then check avoid highways for that segment of the ride, then update.

Yeah ,that kinda works, it does avoid highways but it seems to always want to select the next major road. ie I select my route for a secondary road near a primary road with avoid highways enabled the default logic seems to re-route to the closest primary road, even when I try to add a drag able way point to take a specific route.

Maybe I am not correctly using way points, but it seems to want to try to keep me on the largest road closest to my intended planned route.

Most GPS use a built in logic to keep you on major roads and avoid things like left turns. They will even have you make a legal U turn or go around the block with a series of right turns. I think the HD planner may do something like that as well. I am not sure but I just can't seem to be able to create a route with lots of turns on secondary roads. It wants to always make me take the most direct route.
I use the trip planner a lot. There is a big learning curve. You have to use several way points. Just keep placing them along the route you want to go. At least that is how I have fixed it.
I use a map...if I miss a turn I turn around...its a way of seeing roads and places you never thought you would see
I'm too impatient to fool with all the input to do a trip. It's a PIA for me ~ but good luck though. :cool:
Yeah ,that kinda works, it does avoid highways but it seems to always want to select the next major road. ie I select my route for a secondary road near a primary road with avoid highways enabled the default logic seems to re-route to the closest primary road, even when I try to add a drag able way point to take a specific route.

Maybe I am not correctly using way points, but it seems to want to try to keep me on the largest road closest to my intended planned route.

Most GPS use a built in logic to keep you on major roads and avoid things like left turns. They will even have you make a legal U turn or go around the block with a series of right turns. I think the HD planner may do something like that as well. I am not sure but I just can't seem to be able to create a route with lots of turns on secondary roads. It wants to always make me take the most direct route.

You have to zoom in and put the way points exactly on the road you want.
I'm too impatient to fool with all the input to do a trip. It's a PIA for me ~ but good luck though. :cool:

Yup It's a PITA. I just plug in my destination when I get on the bike. Select no highways or twisties if you want. Simple and it works.
I have only used the BOOM GPS for point A to B. Guess I'm going to have to learn that curve as I am currently in Road Captain training and can't be getting a whole HOG group lost or turning around. I was told the same way hulkks explained it- a bunch of way points along the route. Hope it gets simple because putting an A to B address in takes a loooonnnngggg time! Don't see much fun in stopping at a rest stop trying to stretch, get something to drink and fiddling with the GPS. Oh well, some folks can't afford such luxury.
I use the trip planner a lot. There is a big learning curve. You have to use several way points. Just keep placing them along the route you want to go. At least that is how I have fixed it.

AND...when you plug it into your navigation, each point becomes its own route (A to B = 1 route, B to C = 1 route....) and if you don't make it to the end of THAT won't advance to the next route unless you dig through the menus and cancel the last route....I used it once, ended up with 20 separate 'routes' and it drove me nuts.
OK sounds like there is learning curve, and I agree it is a Pain in the A$$. For a longer ride on major roads it works OK. I just thought I should be able to map out routes on back roads, import them into my bike and cruise worry free. I really don't like the HD GPS, but I guess its better than nothing.

Oh Well

Thanks for the feedback.

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