MARINES!!! Count off!


Feb 22, 2014
Just curious as to how many of us we have on hand...Status doesn't matter and not required.... I know of a select few, but.....

If you served in my beloved Marine Corps.... SOUND OFF!!!


Semper Fi - 94-99, 1st and 3rd MarDiv. The wife, 95-99, 1st MarDiv.

All kinds of 'smoke' sessions at the house for our two young boys.

Punishment...w/o ever having to go hands-on:p
12b46 just a question where are you originally from I know a jarhead that married a jarhead that is in your area and he rides it could be you lol
70-79 1st Marine, old blood. Engineer, built things and blew them up.USMC.jpg
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I'll join this party.

I was part of the "nerd" group while I was in from 07-12.

Network administrator during that time, got to deal with many servers and routers and whatnot, but at the end of the day, I was the guy that made everyone else's computers work.

Doesn't sound nearly as cool as airhead's job though.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Glad to see so many Brothers on here... nice! Semper Fi Jarheads... YUT!
Not me, but part of the family. My son is a SDI on the island?
Mike company 3rd Battalion. Works his butt off for all of us, so I bought him a Harley!!

Best Marty
I personally am not a Marine but my nephew recently went through Recruit Training and is now engulfed in MCT. I had the opportunity to attend his Recruit Training graduation and while I was proud of him for even enlisting, after witnessing all the pomp & circumstance surrounding the graduation ceremony, my pride tripled for what he and his Marine brothers have dedicated their lives to.

I am truly proud and thankful for all of those who have served in the Marines...and every branch of the military!!

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