New issue with ignition switch


Jun 20, 2016
While getting ready to ride the other day, all was normal until I was ready to start up. Unlocked as usual, but when I turned the switch to on, the entire switch came out!! Oh, and fork stayed locked. Promptly tried to put it back in to no avail. After trial and error getting back in, when I ran through its steps: unlock, on, etc. nothing happened and fork remained locked. Tried to remove switch but it would not come out, though it would turn and so on, fork remained locked. Once I finally got the switch out, and fiddled with lining every thing up with a screw driver, managed to get switch back in. During that process, at various stages bike would turn on but not start and would remain locked. Then suddenly everything worked fine. I went for a ride and then tried to start again, the original problem returned. Arrrrgh!!!! Yes, I know the steps in removing switch: put in fork lock, press tab and turn key counter-clockwise, etc.
But why did switch come out in first place? Then happen again?
Could it be the tumblers inside the housing are damaged?

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There is a little button under the switch that releases it to come out is it stuck in the unlock or release position ? If it continues to come out I would have it looked at for a possible replacement or repair.
There is a little button under the switch that releases it to come out is it stuck in the unlock or release position ? If it continues to come out I would have it looked at for a possible replacement or repair.

It appears to be fine.

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Similar thing happened to me on my 2016. I installed a black ignition switch cover. Did not have problems initially - do not always lock ignition. When I locked the ignition the entire unit came out. I was able to reinstall to ride to dealer, they messed with it a while, come to find out the ignition switch cover is a little longer then the switch so pushing the switch down til it bottoms out puts additional pressure on the unit. The tech reinstalled the unit and backed off the cover slightly. have not had a problem since.
I had the same thing happen on my 2015 FLHXS. The ignition switch and spring shot out of the ignition opening and the front forks were locked. We had to drag the bike into a trailer and take it to a Harley Dealer. They had a special tool to reset the tumblers in the fork lock and replaced the spring at no charge.

You know it has to be a factory defect when they do not charge you.

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