Passenger Pegs hitting calves


New member
Oct 22, 2019
Happy Friday afternoon Street Gliders. New SG owner, first post (long time Harley man). One of the only "issues" I have with this 14 SGS I picked up is that when I have a passenger and the pegs are down, the pegs and or feet block up against my calves when coming to a stop/standstill position. Anyone else have this issue? If so, what was the remedy? Thanks for the thoughts.
I hit my calves on mine also when they are down. Haven't found a cure I just get a long with it when the wife is with me. I understand floor boards are worse.
I had this problem too so I bought her her own bike. Problem solved. I hate having passengers anyway.......
I ride solo/2 up (50/50) and have passenger floor boards but I learned to keep my legs away from them and now I am used to it. Not an issue any longer, just like everything else muscle memory.
I just took mine of and put the blots back in. I own a Machine shop and will make some polished stainless blanks to cover the holes to dress it up. It is much easier to move the bike around without the foot rest. I'm 5'6" so I need all the room I can get. Not interested in passenger any way.

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