Rear shocks, advice needed.


New member
May 13, 2016
Nearing regular riding season here and starting to remember that horrible ride on the 14 SG stock shocks. Want to improve it without making a lot of people richer.

What shock can I get that will improve my one-up riding, but not cost me my next grandchild?

I know I can search here, but having the information in one little place excites me.....

TIA, Dennis
Skully Air ride and I have been very happy. They installed them 11/16 at the TLSR for 700. The only thing I am going to modify is add a air tank so I can have instant lift instead of waiting 6-7 seconds...hehehe lazy I know
You can put a DIY Monroe air ride system on for about $300 if you are able to turn a wrench. Lots of info on here about it. Search, put in "Harley air ride" and all the parts will pop up. I did mine and love it!
I have to agree with OCBADGER above. I installed Legend Revo-A's this winter and Legend AEXO Fork Cartridges, the bike went from riding a little harsh to Holy Cow!!! 2 Different bikes, It eats up the bumps and handles incredible!! I'm still getting it dialed in, but well worth the money for the up grade.

Ride Safe!!! :cool::cool:
You can put a DIY Monroe air ride system on for about $300 if you are able to turn a wrench. Lots of info on here about it. Search, put in "Harley air ride" and all the parts will pop up. I did mine and love it!
What's the difference between these and the factory shocks?

And holey-moley, everybody wants a body part a well as cash for shocks!
used 944's on my 13 ultra limited and now put them on my 16 cvo street glide,

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These are Monroe automotive air shocks. Lots of people have them on their Harleys. The Monroe shocks normally run about 70 to 90 lbs. of air pressure, depending on your weight and passengers. I've had mine on for about a year and love them. Especially for the price!
I just installed Legend REVO shocks on my 14 SG to replace the Harley air over oil stock shocks. Truly unbelievable difference ! 2 up or single they continue to amaze me. I have run Progressive shocks on my Dyna's in the past and they were nice as well but the Legends have made the SG perfect. Don't work for them or get a kick back but it's worth every penny ! and... lifetime warranty and... made in USA !
I just installed Legend REVO shocks on my 14 SG to replace the Harley air over oil stock shocks. Truly unbelievable difference ! 2 up or single they continue to amaze me. I have run Progressive shocks on my Dyna's in the past and they were nice as well but the Legends have made the SG perfect. Don't work for them or get a kick back but it's worth every penny ! and... lifetime warranty and... made in USA !

I've legend Revo A and not much impressed. I'm wondering if Indian springfield shocks work on my SGS. It freaking rides so smooth. I don't like their motor tho. I had Indian chieftain but traded it for SGS in 3 weeks.
Is anyone running Ohlinns 2'-2 on their SG?

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