Touring Seat Recommendations

Touring Seat Recommendations

In the Spring I would check out a demo (from a dealer) H-D Hammock seat. It has an actual fabric hammock in it for your butt. I do a lot of 600-800mi days and never get sore with it. This summer I added an adjustable backrest and used it on a 8 day 5800mi trip. No complaints and I think the backrest did help save my back a little.

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That’s a steal of a price for a new seat, keep us posted , I’m hoping to try out a ultra seat soon. I’m looking to get a little lower . Wife needs the Cush. I’m hoping the local Harley dealer has one to demo

Hoping to get the new seat on the bike today (been super busy) and weather permitting take a ride on Sat to see how it feels. The passenger part of the seat is definitely much better than the stock seat. Wider and looks much more comfortable to sit on.
The seat is damaged . Contacted the seller but don't expect a response.

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