USB power outlet

There is a really easy way to address the issue with FP3 and the infotainment system disconnecting you from it when connecting to the USB cable. There is a USB dongle that plugs into the infotainment USB cable. The infotainment has a female connector. This dongle has a male end that plugs into the infotainment center and has a female adapter on the other side. You then plug in your standard USB cable to your iphone. The thing the dongle does is it allows power to come through so you can charge the phone, but it won't allow communications to connect. No mods needed and you can keep the cigarette lighter outlet in place for something else. Check out this link...,d.cGc
There is a really easy way to address the issue with FP3 and the infotainment system disconnecting you from it when connecting to the USB cable. There is a USB dongle that plugs into the infotainment USB cable. The infotainment has a female connector. This dongle has a male end that plugs into the infotainment center and has a female adapter on the other side. You then plug in your standard USB cable to your iphone. The thing the dongle does is it allows power to come through so you can charge the phone, but it won't allow communications to connect. No mods needed and you can keep the cigarette lighter outlet in place for something else. Check out this link...,d.cGc

I have seen those before, but never thought to see if they would work for the Harley, good idea.

I cant honestly think of one accessory that i would ever use to justify keeping that old cig lighter port anyways. Besides its already installed haha.
I have been using this little critter on my 14 SGS for over a year and works great for me, just hooked directly to power all the time so I can charge without having the ignition on and doesn't drain my battery either.

Sent from my scooter phone!
The description says it won't work with the iPhone. Any idea why that is?

To be honest, I'm not rightly sure brother. Doesn't make any sense to me as a 5v usb should be 5v usb...... This is not the exact listing of the one I am using but I have bought 4 different ones for different vehicles and they all charge my iPhone 6plus with no issues.
I mounted mine with 3M tape to the top inside of my saddle bag right between the shock location and the front latch loop and drilled too small holes just big enough to push the power wires through just above it in the edge where absolutely no water could get in and soldered a watertight connector on for easy bag removal and hooked it straight in to the battery with a 5 amp fuse. Been working excellent for a year now and me and my girlfriend can charge both our phones at the same time even with the ignition off. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow

Sent from my scooter phone!

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