Vance & Hines Twin Slash Round Slip-Ons


New member
Mar 9, 2016
Just got these pipe for my 16 SGS...trying to get some opinions on the pipes. I like the sound and was not sure if these were better than the screaming eagles and if I need the bike tuned?
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I don't have any advice on those pipes vs the SE, however I'd recommend a tuner anyway. I went with the Vance & Hines FP3 and love it. Definitely worth checking out.
I have those pipes along with dresser duals and the FP3, love the sound and it woke the bike up a little.
I have a 16 SGS as well, just put these same pipes on a week ago. I didn't do the headers or intake, just the slip-ons, and did not remap/tune the bike. So far the ECM has done a great job of adjusting to the new slip-ons. I took the money I was going to spend on a VO2 intake and FP3 tuner, and instead ordered a Mustang seat...

For me my priorities are safety, then comfort, then performance. The pipes and LED headlight and signals/brakes were done first on my bike because I believe they make me safer (I can't tell you how many people nearly merged into me when I had the stock slip-ons on the bike - around these parts, if people don't hear you, they don't see you). The seat is needed to make longer trips more comfortable. Once I get some more cash scraped together, I'll get to the upgrading performance (finishing my stage 1 upgrade with an intake and tuner - and maybe headers!).
Appreciate everyone's comments! TCMS-I agree on safety first! Have a daymaker and now looking at the HD daytime running headlights! Definitely will get the fp3 and new air filter. Does the dealership need to put them on? Not sure if the install comes with a dyno?
You don't need the dealership to put on the air filter nor the FP3. There is no dyno needed as the FP3 will allow you to do that yourself. It is a very easy plug and play and user easy item.
Ok I have these slip-ons also and really like them. I started from the dealership at purchase with the stage one A/C and the slip-ons and dealer download. Later I added the V&H power duals (X pipe) and the FP3 tuner and that really woke the bike up. After a very long auto tune the bike really runs good. There is a section on doing an auto tune in the tuner threads on here so go check it out. If your just running the slip-ons you shouldn't need a tuner but it would help. When you add the A/C get the tuner of your choice to help with our air to fuel mixtures.

Just my 2 cents and welcome to the fun
Ok I have these slip-ons also and really like them. I started from the dealership at purchase with the stage one A/C and the slip-ons and dealer download. Later I added the V&H power duals (X pipe) and the FP3 tuner and that really woke the bike up. After a very long auto tune the bike really runs good. There is a section on doing an auto tune in the tuner threads on here so go check it out. If your just running the slip-ons you shouldn't need a tuner but it would help. When you add the A/C get the tuner of your choice to help with our air to fuel mixtures.

Just my 2 cents and welcome to the fun

Appreciate the response!!!!
I installed the V&H twin slash round slip-ons on my 2014 SGS. They looked and sounded amazing. Unfortunately they were a bit too loud for me (was starting to cause tinnitus), so I switched to the SE Street Canons. I'm very happy with those for my tastes. I will say, however, that the V&H sounded awesome. I did have the bike mapped and added a stage one, but that's all. You really can't go wrong with either choices.

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I've been running with the Vance & Hines 4.5"HO slip-ons and recently added the Vance & Hines Power Duals. What a difference in lower heat now from the pipes, not to mention the fabulous low tone roar from the power Duals. Since I made no changes to the breather system, no re-map or fuel pak was required. When I decide to change out the breather down the road, I'll do that. For now, I love these pipes. Little to no pop on decel & torque levels increase at mid range rpms rather than High end that you'd get with Dresser or true duals.
check out DOBECK PERFORMANCE they have a awesome product for fuel management have had 5 hds since 09 and everyone I installed there product never had a problem and the bike ran awesome installs in about an hour no mapping and ready to go look up the web site full of info and how it works dobeck performance and electronic-jet its worth it to look it up and the price is great .and if you call them they are very helpful
Ok..update to the thread. I recently put on a new screaming eagle air cleaner and dresser duals headers. So at first, I thought I had an air leak because the bike would pick up speed in and out. Took it to the dealership and they looked it over. Noticed that the crossover pipe was not aligned correctly. So I went home and corrected it. So now I get speed but the bike does not sound right. There is a loud his coming from the pipes and it idles up and down pretty hard. Anyone have other suggestions to check? BTW I have an FP3.
Swapped o2 sensors and the universe is back to normal. Appreciate the help!!!
cc424- that's what makes this forum a valuable add on accessory to your Street Glide! :cool:
I have the Vance and Hines twin slash rounds and I love the sound rich and low a little loud but not too bad.
Hey. Any issue with warrantee taking out the cat. I put on VH slash slip ons and removed my cat on my 2016 FLHXS and someone started me wondering about any warrantee issues. In Fla. Re cat.
Ps sounds n runs great
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I just picked up a new 2016 SGS with a Stage V kit, and the cat was removed by the HD dealer when they did the Stage V build. My factory 2 year warranty is still in place.

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