What Do You Think

The Blacked out look, is it here to stay, or is it a fad that will go away ? ?

What do you think ? ?

Ummm, chrome may actually be the fad - is the chrome fad going away?

HDs as well as all motorcycles (cars, trucks, etc) had none or very few shiney parts on them up until the 60s, the era of the chrome craze.

Going back and looking at my dad’s (and his friends) HD and Indian pics in the 30s and 40s, as well as my HD history books, it’s pretty obvious that ‘blacked out’ is the original look and that perhaps it is only coming full circle?

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I’m becoming addicted to my blacked out cherry SGS, but I may (?) Swap out a few chrome bits here and there for contrast... Easy on the eyes and easy to keep clean - don’t want to lose that.

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If you’re interested in having some chrome parts, let me know if it’s something I would have one my 17 SGS. I am currently trying to black mine out, piece by piece. (Still so pissed the 18 SGS is already blacked out)
If you’re interested in having some chrome parts, let me know if it’s something I would have one my 17 SGS. I am currently trying to black mine out, piece by piece. (Still so pissed the 18 SGS is already blacked out)

Don't fret Birds0nFIRE, the 2018 prices went up significantly over the 2017's to cover the changes. I was shocked at the increases.:confused:
Don't fret Birds0nFIRE, the 2018 prices went up significantly over the 2017's to cover the changes. I was shocked at the increases.:confused:

$27,400 out the door, tax, tags, etc, for mine. I don’t recall the 2017 prices but they were less.

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If you’re interested in having some chrome parts, let me know if it’s something I would have one my 17 SGS. I am currently trying to black mine out, piece by piece. (Still so pissed the 18 SGS is already blacked out)


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It's a love/hate relationship for me.
I love the blacked out look!
I hate that they only became available AFTER I already bought a 2017...
I feel the same way frank!

Surfsup, the increase in price is way less that what I costs to black out the bike. I’m pretty sure I was close to 27k out the door including my upgraded stereo.
FYI on the pricing. My 2017 FLHXS was around $24k out the door.
The 2018's have some other refinements the 2017's don't have besides black out: Extended bags, black gauge faces new wheels, new badging and upgraded speakers to name a few. I'm not a fan of the black out treatment but then . . . . . I'm old! lol :cool:
FYI on the pricing. My 2017 FLHXS was around $24k out the door.
The 2018's have some other refinements the 2017's don't have besides black out: Extended bags, black gauge faces new wheels, new badging and upgraded speakers to name a few. I'm not a fan of the black out treatment but then . . . . . I'm old! lol :cool:
I don't think my 18 special has the upgraded speakers.

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I did get the extended warranty and wheel and tire coverage though. That might be why I paid more too
Guess I’m old school now , really liking the 2014 SGS. 👍 . Every dealer I stop at wants me to trade up and test ride the new M8 I’m sure it’s bad to the bone and maybe one day in distant future.For now I run the other way 😁
Good input on the blacked out specials guys, Flatlander gets it and shows pics on just what I was saying about black on black Bikes. I feel for the ones who got an earlier model, and are into blacking out stuff. Black was common back in the day, and
Henry Ford sold 15 million black model T's. Myself, I am older then old school, and if I was getting a new Bike. I think I would go Blacked out and add just a touch of Chrome in a few places.
That Just Me.

What Do You Think

Good input on the blacked out specials guys, Flatlander gets it and shows pics on just what I was saying about black on black Bikes. I feel for the ones who got an earlier model, and are into blacking out stuff. Black was common back in the day, and
Henry Ford sold 15 million black model T's. Myself, I am older then old school, and if I was getting a new Bike. I think I would go Blacked out and add just a touch of Chrome in a few places.
That Just Me.


We’re on the same page. Blacked-out/ minimal shiney stuff is old school, well, actually it’s original school.

And I totally dig it!




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