2014 Street Glide Special Not Starting


New member
Jun 20, 2021
Recently I have started my bike, I'd say a month ago in New Jersey. It is stored in my garage with a trickle charger on it always. I tried starting it to no avail, the battery reads 12 volts, all gauges are operable, blinkers work hazards work radio works. I figured I'd replace the alarm fob battery to no avail.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated,
Welcome to the forum.

Is this a heated garage? Attached or not? Insulated? Just starting it and letting it warm up a bit is risking condensation in your crankcase.

But to your question. A trickle charger will constantly provide a charge at a lesser rate. It may have fried your battery. Get a reputable battery maintainer/tender. It only charges when it senses the voltage drops below a certain level.

What type of battery is it, AGM, lead acid, or lithium? What is the age of it?

When you turn the bike on and flip the run/off switch on, do you hear the fuel pump prime?

I have replaced key fob batteries with new and found that the new one was a dud. Also ensure that it's not in upside down.

Check your bike's battery connections for looseness and or corrosion, both at the battery and on the frame and starter. An AGM battery is sealed and has no way of checking the electrolyte level. You'll have to pull it and have it tested. Lead acid battery, check the electrolyte levels and top off with new electrolyte or distilled water if you are unable to get the electrolyte. Lithium battery, once it has drained there is no way to bring it back to life.

How well a battery has been maintained will determine how long it lasts. A battery, that has been properly maintained and the bike has been used regularly, could last for 5+ years. Usually you can expect 2-3.5 years out of it

The resting voltage should read 12.6 volts. If it's near 12 volts or less, it should be recharged and tested again after it has had time to "rest" for a few hours. Turning on the ignition switch puts a drain on your battery and you won't get a true reading of a resting battery from the bikes volt meter. Use a multimeter to test the battery's voltage while the bike is off and nothing is putting a drain on it.

While under the seat, check the wiring connection to the ecm for corrosion on the pins and sockets. Clean them at the slightest hint of corrosion. Use a good electrical cleaner and a soft bristle brush then allow to dry. Put some dielectric grease on and reassemble. Reason for this is the can-bus systems on our bikes are sensitive to the slightest changes in voltage.

Pop the side cover off and check your fuses. Do the same for them as the ecm.

Another thing that I can think of is the start switch. Have you changed bars or added heated grips since your last successful start? May have pinched a wire or two on reassembly. Or it maybe corroded up and needs to be cleaned or replaced if bad enough.

I mention corrosion a lot because of your proximity to the Atlantic and I don't know how much salt air you receive.

Sure hope these help you out. Let us know how it comes out.
Thank You

Thank You

That’s a lot to take in. It’s a non insulated garage in NJ. I just purchased the bike in June not sure the age is the battery. The trickle charger is made by “Battery Tender”. I replaced bars with a plug and play in June when I got the bike been fine the whole time. Busy weekend but as soon as I get to it I will definitely let you know how it works. Gonna just buy a new battery for the bike and start from there.
Thanks a Million,
Thank you guys for all the info. Wound up I replaced the battery and still no success the bike started only once. Made a call to a few people and was told to loosen the right controls that had the starter control on it and move it up and down. Seemed to be a wire must have been too touching or too tight in the controls. I did replace the bars in July with a 100% plug and play so I knew it wasn't anything with the bars. However also I replaced the controls with the lighted controls. Why it ran fine all summer and all of a sudden it seemed possessed I can't tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not understanding you. You replaced the battery and it started once, but then it wouldn't start again. Is that correct?

Others suggested to move the right control switches. Did this cause your bike to start? If so, the time between when you swapped bars and when it wouldn't start was the length of time for the insulation to rub through on one or more of the wires, allowing it short out. Check your wiring from the switch pack for any wires that may be rubbed through or possibly broken within it's insulation.
Yes the bike started after moving the right controls. But after looking they seem fine. When I replaced the bars I got 100 percent plug and plug bars. Funny everything on the right control works except the start function. I can jump the starter so apiary something with the switches. I called Harley and they will warranty them but I need to take them to the dealer for the warranty issue. Now I am looking for a right hand control for the mean time so I can ride while this is going on. The controls I bought were the light up ones because I ****ed my old ones up installing the bars. So if anyone know anyone with a right hand control for a 2014 street glides special I’ll buy them.


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