Boom Screen Issue

yes the one on my 2016sgs is peeling off also
let me know if you get a fix for it and i'll do the same for you
Might be a dumb question but: have you checked to see if this is a protective film covering the screen? A lot of electronics parts have these and it could have been left on your unit during Mfg.
My 16 SGS did the same, finally just removed it.
It came off in pieces it was so far gone.
Funny thing is I had a new screen saver from a 2018 SGS and after installing it my screen wasnt picking up when I attempted to used the touch screen.
Removed the “new” screen saver and back to functioning as it should.

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HD Part # 91700034
Around $52.49

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hey flatlander
got the part you suggested installed it and the touch screen will not work with it on
works fine with it off
the Harley shop would not refund for this
gonna go to a cell phone store and try to find one the correct size and try one of theirs to see if it will work
putting this out so people will not loose funds on something that will not work

tanks for the advice
hey all
went to best buy and got the H D not harely Davidson clear screen protector for the 6.5 inch I phone comes in a red and white box
it needs to be trimmed for the length and the width is not quite wide enough by about an 1/8 of inch
installed it and touch screen functions work fine
hints for the install make sure you have all the old flakes off I missed a couple spots in the upper corners small and I can deal with it
clean the screen good before you install if you get it wrong you can pull off and reinstall
keep the fingers off the sticky side
price was about 10.00
hope this can help some of you out
I had mine replaced by the dealer today. They said H-D does not cover it under the warranty but they will take care of it for me. Glad I have a dealer that actually cares for his customers and does the right thing by them.

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