M8 compensator failed


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Hi guys looking for some input.my 18 flhxs had 6k miles on it when i did a stage 1V and now has 8300 miles,today leaving work,leaving hard,lost gears pulled over shut bike off and checked my belt was ok,tryed starting bike and it wouldnt start the starter was turning but not the motor.towed it home and pulled off the primary cover and found the compensator insides grenaded.havent seen any aftermarket units yet just the eliminator sprockets.i have heard good and bad about the eliminators.all input is appreciated.
Put in another factory compensator. Be sure the spring pack is shimmed for the max amount of preload.
Hi guys looking for some input.my 18 flhxs had 6k miles on it when i did a stage 1V and now has 8300 miles,today leaving work,leaving hard,lost gears pulled over shut bike off and checked my belt was ok,tryed starting bike and it wouldnt start the starter was turning but not the motor.towed it home and pulled off the primary cover and found the compensator insides grenaded.havent seen any aftermarket units yet just the eliminator sprockets.i have heard good and bad about the eliminators.all input is appreciated.

Please post pics of the carnage, so that the rest of us M8 owners will know what to keep an eye out for. As for the compensator eliminator sprocket, I used on on my 2015 SGS and loved it. If I were going further with the performance mods, I wouldn't hesitate to install one on the M8 too.
A new compensator should not need to be shimmed, but I would check this:

18flhxs, did you experience any noise or abnormal rotational sounds prior to discovering the damage to your compensator?
No nothing at all,BUT since i did my stage 4 build this was the first time i really let it rip.3 gears of rubber with ease then,well you know it was broke.120% rider caused so now i know it will do some damage treating it like that.
No nothing at all,BUT since i did my stage 4 build this was the first time i really let it rip.3 gears of rubber with ease then,well you know it was broke.120% rider caused so now i know it will do some damage treating it like that.

No. It should be able to take that no problem. Lugging the motor at heavy throttle is worse on the compensator. It must have been defective in some way. Just put in another one and inspect the spring preload.
So to update my last post,i ordered bakers compensator assy. And the attitude adjuster but wont have them till oct.3.i installed a solid sprocket to try to finish out the season but with that and the factory chain tensioner the chain is way over tightening, so looks like that plan was foiled.adjusted the chain tension to factory specs. Put about 100 miles on it and all was good,pulled the primary cover off just to check and the chain was tight as a banjo string.re adjusted it again and did about 85 miles real easy and checked it again and same thing way to tight,cant have that.so now it sits,for now.
All my parts from baker came friday (early,nice)the sliding cam part is probably close to twice as big as the factory part.very impressed with the quality of there parts.got it back together friday night did around 200 miles yesterday and all is good,feels and sounds great.if you ride hard i would highly recommend these parts,pricey but well worth it.
No nothing at all,BUT since i did my stage 4 build this was the first time i really let it rip.3 gears of rubber with ease then,well you know it was broke.120% rider caused so now i know it will do some damage treating it like that.

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