What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

It's hard to beat the Custom Dynamics LED lighting. I have them front and rear plus the Plasma Rods.
My rear tire was down to less than 3 mm so I thought it best to replace it. It was the OEM tire and I had been able to get over 22,000 miles on it, which I think is pretty good. I searched around for the best prices as everyone knows MoCo is extremely proud of those tires and wants an arm and a leg for one. I found a place locally that has them for a much better deal. The price they charged me for mounting/balancing and tire was far cheaper than the tire only from HD. One thing I was concerned about was the age of the tire so I did some research. Basically you want to avoid getting a tire older than a year but at the oldest is 5 years. After that, the rubber compounds start breaking down and can cause dry-rot. The attached photo shows how to check the date. Its a 4 number set molded into the side of the tire and the first two numbers are the week the tire was made and the second set is the year of manufacture. Mine said -2515- which meant the tire was made the 25th week of 2015. The picture shows -3813-, meaning that tire was manufactured the 38th week of 2013...

Installed primo revera swing arm bushings, went for a couple hour ride, and managed to get local dealer to actually cover something under my warranty. Good day as far as I'm concerned.
At my local HD ship today and low and behold they now carry Custom Dynamics front and rear LED Bullet ringz and just had to have some.
Only got the rear for now.. $129.00 but damn I love em they are nice and bright and are plug and play, just take off the stock lens and bulb and plug into the bulb socket...Done
View attachment 8836
View attachment 8835

Mine carries the CD line also. Been using them since 2013!
Rode over to scottsdale Harley. They were busy today! Hardly a place to park. Then rode to desert wind in Mesa and got some free tacos. Lots of clubs riding today since the weather is fantastic (66 when I left home), and I didn't spend a dime.

Scottsdale has a nice booth for audio display so I got to hear the difference between stock, stage 1 and stage 2 audio. Speakers alone were better but an amp sure makes it 5x better.

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Got a sissy bar and pad off ebay. It's an aftermarket unit and was a pita to assemble because the holes in the vinyl didn't line up with the mounting hardware. It looks pretty good and fits perfectly.

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I bought a pair of lighted hand controls off ebay that were brand new in box. They came in today and installed them. Love it lit up.image.jpg left one lit up before installing right one.
Trying to fix my starting problem on my bike. Not the battery for sure I try use another battery jump it and the starter turn overs finally. I hope it is the starter solenoid. Going to HD for warranty work.

2014 Switchback
2014 SGS
What I did today - Scheduled a delivery date (from dealer storage) for February 13th. Hoping for an early warm up here in MI :)
After 36" of snow last week, we had temps in the low 60s. Of course now I have to pay the price......

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Stopped by my local HD dealer just to hang out and they were having a in store poker run, ended up with best hand and won a $200 gift card which I used to buy the lighted switches so they ended up costing me only 50 bucks.
Great ride today enjoying my new hard lowers. Stopped by my dealers and had a bowl of white bean green chicken chili . . . . sooooo good!

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