Well, after a couple of weeks of researching aftermarket
Fairing Lowers, I order mine today for half the cost of the HD units. There are actually about 4 different versions: Non-Vented, Vented, models to use on bikes up to 2013. and 2 different types for 2014-16 ( Air cooled and water cooled). Some have snap doors and others magnetic doors. I ended up purchasing a set from Fairing Factory at:
These have magnetic doors, Vent doors made from metal not plastic and come with BOTH storage pockets AND Speaker pockets! I balked at first because the shipping was $59, The set is $249. But, when I priced other version, you still had snap doors, and most did not include install hardware. All of this is included and they come already assembled!
I will post some pics once I finish with them as they come only in HD black. All this is moot to me as I intend to paint mine to match my bike's color and add HD's pocket liners which I got practically free due to Santa's gift card. I was going to run them only during the cold winter months but I chose the units with the mesh grill instead of solid panel and that way I can add a thin piece of Plexiglas over them in cold weather and remove it for flow in warm/hot weather. If you're thinking of fairing lowers yourselves check this company out, the reviews are awesome and the make all years versions. I should have them mid week as they shipped with a tracking # the same day I ordered them.

By the way, they make Tourpaks, speaker lids, extended bags and other goodies too!