Took the factory ones off. These was the only pugs I found. It will do for now till I get a new inner fair in.
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I get to dive into my buddies Road King again.. Love the guy like a brother but he should not be wrenching.. No patience and no plan.. Just attack and see what happens type... Long story short.. After force feeding the RK a new starter.. He decides to check inside the primary for dust? I shake my head and keep working.. He randomly removes all bolts.. Scatters em everywhere. Decides it looks good.. Replaces gasket. And then randomly reinstalls.. Amazing.... Oil leak.... Did you tork them in the order I showed you I ask... His reply was hell no.. I don't need that manual stuff.. This is simple.. I finally get him to understand the need for a proper manual for his bike.. And proper reasons for torque values. Based on google and my manual for 15 SGS we decide 12-13 is good for the primary bolts.. He decides if Harley says 12 then 18 or 20 is way better.. Guess what we get to do tonight?
Thankfully he stopped after snapping off #1
A proper mechanic friend is coming this time as it appears he may have cracked the inner during his frantic wrenchng
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I will be putting on the Ultra seat and backrest for a ride for good BBQ Saturday!Put my Tour Pack and Ultra seat back on for a weekend Trip!
View attachment 10291
Put my Tour Pack and Ultra seat back on for a weekend Trip!
View attachment 10291
Added the vortex vision x headlight, I like it! If you get one get the anti flicker harness.
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Looks good ! Where did you buy at ?