What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

New mod compliments of Mrs. Deer

New mod compliments of Mrs. Deer

It's actually been almost a week since the newest mod was started on my bike but I haven't been able to write about it.
Last Tuesday night 9:15PM I was on my way to work, had the cruise set at 73mph, rural highway. I see a car pulling up, to the hwy, from a side road. So I watch him to make sure he doesn't pull out in front of me when all of a sudden an explosion. The witness said the bike flipped end over end twice, all I knew was my head was forced down around the left grip and I couldn't push myself up. The next thing I new I was on top of the bike spinning till the bike dug into the asphalt then I was thrown, landed on my left side and it felt like I was in a washer on high speed spin. When I finally stopped rolling, luckily I never lost consciousness, I realized I was on the dotted line in the dark. Gotta move before I get ran over. Stumbled to the side of the road and collapsed there.
I was lucky, had a bruised shoulder where I landed on it, 5 broke ribs and some major road rash on my hands, knees and outer calves.
I normally don't wear a jacket on my way to work but something told me to get it out of the saddlebag. Good thing I did or I would've lost my arm or life. Also, the leather of my safety toe work boots are chewed up like they were on a bench grinder.
I wear a Bell Pit Boss helmet and since it doesn't have a face shield and my face is intact with no new marks tells me that I had an Angel riding with me that night.
Funny the things you think of in the middle of a crash.
What the hell did I hit?
Why can't I sit up?
How long am I gonna roll?
Crap my finger tips hurt.


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Ferriss, I am glad you survived! Heal quick! BTW, I do not think you are wise continuing that particular mod. :)

Do you think it is a total loss? If so, enjoy shopping for that new ride!

Sorry to hear about the crash. Hope you heal quickly. Sounds like maybe you blew the rear tire.
Thanks for the get well wishes guys. Looks like I omitted that the cause was about a 150lb doe.
News came today. Insurance called it a total loss. Adjustor said she quit writing when she hit 18k. Local dealer estimate was 23k. Only thing not bad was the frame.
Glad you are here to talk about it. I did the same thing back in 05 on a Road Glide.
Why do suicidal wildlife have to be so large?

Glad you're relatively okay, I've gone rolling at 75 and walked away with some abrasions (still have the full face helmet I wore, not even a scratch) and heard people break bones at 25mph. If you're writing that means it could have been worse.

Any initial though of what the replacement will be?

Stopped by my mailbox to drop in my early voting ballot. Couldn't help but take a pic of her glowing in the dark

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.
Wow what a story to live and share. Happy to hear your mostly in one piece and to a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your next adventure
Absolutely nothing! On the mod department, the funds have dried up. On the riding department, it's been raining for the last 4 days!
Thanks for the get well wishes guys. Looks like I omitted that the cause was about a 150lb doe.
News came today. Insurance called it a total loss. Adjustor said she quit writing when she hit 18k. Local dealer estimate was 23k. Only thing not bad was the frame.

Glad to hear that you are OK, I hit a deer 3 years ago on my Street Glide, yes I know about all of those thoughts running through your head. Things can change so quickly.
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Installed HD heated hand grips. A brother has a 2015 Ultra limited and had the new Willie G grips put on. He gave me his old ones, and I cant figure out how I rode without them.
Installed HD heated hand grips. A brother has a 2015 Ultra limited and had the new Willie G grips put on. He gave me his old ones, and I cant figure out how I rode without them.

Man, I'm not opposed to cold weather riding, but when it gets so cold that you need heated grips like a snowmobile... I don't want to be on a bike.
If it's 25 out and dry with no ice I'm in for a ride just dress warm no need for heated gear.
If it's 25 out and dry with no ice I'm in for a ride just dress warm no need for heated gear.

I gotta say though, there's a difference between 25 in a dry desert climate, and 25 in a more moist air climate. Not talking about rain, snow, ice. Just humidity in the air. It feels way more cold
Yes it is and then it's more humid here in the northern end during cold weather. Not as much as costal areas but still have some.

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Got a piece of tire tread stuck between the exhaust and engine by the brake master cylinder on the way into work, could smell burning rubber, but couldn't see anything. Looked again when I went between buildings (a 5 mile ride), and found it.

Sirius low and high beam light bulbs.

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Those LEDs look good! Nice that they match the signals. We demand beam shots!

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.

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