115th Anniversary SGS

Ngot8r, that’s a great looking bike, I like the paint color. Dam that leak though, that sucks

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Thanks! I just got some bad news today which was, the parts needed to fix the leak are on back order until December 22nd. WTH? That is crazy. I know the MoCo is still pumping out M8's. IMO, the right thing for them to do is, to halt production on the number of bikes that coincide with the number of owners that have leaking rocker boxes and reallocate those parts to the dealers to get those customers taken care of in a timely manner. This is frustrating as hell and makes me think about how greedy so many people are in this world. If I am way off base here, someone please tell me how. This was/is a known factory issue and customers are being put on the back burner in order to keep that all mighty dollar rolling in. It makes no sense and is just plain wrong...SMDH

This song explains it all.

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First mods

First mods

With 20 mile on the odometer, I've changed out the front fender and headlight. So many more plans for upgrades. :D

With 20 mile on the odometer, I've changed out the front fender and headlight. So many more plans for upgrades. :D

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I like that fender a lot! Is it HD or aftermarket? What number of 1900 is yours? Lastly, can you post a good shot of the rear, so I can see if your pipes are centered in the bag cutouts? Mine aren't and will need to be adjusted. They are supposed to deliver it back to me this Saturday. It will be three weeks since I have laid eyes on it.
It's a HD fender from Surdyke. My local dealer said it would be 30 days to order it, and wouldn't give me any discount, so I ordered online. It was delivered in a week. Mine is #785. I was in Guadalajara two weeks ago, and one of the dealers there has #242. I asked if they wanted to trade. :) I don't have any pics from directly behind, but I'll check and get back to you.

And not sure about the bag guards. I like the look right now, so that may take away from it. Although, I really don't want to lay this bike over and scratch them. I've noticed this bike is a lot more difficult to move around in my garage than my BMW R1200GS.
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It's a HD fender from Surdyke. My local dealer said it would be 30 days to order it, and wouldn't give me any discount, so I ordered online. It was delivered in a week. Mine is #785. I was in Guadalajara two weeks ago, and one of the dealers there has #242. I asked if they wanted to trade. :) I don't have any pics from directly behind, but I'll check and get back to you.

And not sure about the bag guards. I like the look right now, so that may take away from it. Although, I really don't want to lay this bike over and scratch them. I've noticed this bike is a lot more difficult to move around in my garage than my BMW R1200GS.

Cool, thanks!

I tried checking Surdyke HD's website and did not see pics of the fender. Do you by chance have the part number for the fender and any associated hardware? Was it already painted, or did you have to send it out to get painted? Thanks
The dealership has informed me that they have completed the repairs and installed the revised rocker box gaskets in the front and rear. They also road tested it and put some dyno miles on it. I asked them to see what kind of power it made while they had it on the dyno. Horsepower was 81.9 and torque was 100.1. They are scheduled to deliver it back to me on Saturday. Once I get it back, it will be time to install the amp, speakers, hidden antenna, bag guards, WHIM and backrest. That is about as far as I plan to go with this one for a while.
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Legend Blue Denim fender

Legend Blue Denim fender


I tried checking Surdyke HD's website and did not see pics of the fender. Do you by chance have the part number for the fender and any associated hardware? Was it already painted, or did you have to send it out to get painted? Thanks

Yeah, I've found that I need to have the part numbers to find stuff on their site. The wrapped front fender in Blue Denim is part# 58900196EEL. It comes painted with hardware. I held it up next to my stock one outside and the color matches very well.
Yeah, I've found that I need to have the part numbers to find stuff on their site. The wrapped front fender in Blue Denim is part# 58900196EEL. It comes painted with hardware. I held it up next to my stock one outside and the color matches very well.

Ok thanks!
Finally, after three long weeks, I got the bike back today! I did not test ride it, but the dealership did put 31 miles on it after the repair. Some of the miles were logged via a road test and the rest were done on the dyno. I asked them to see what kind of power the bike made since they were running it on the dyno. They sent a chart back with the bike, but the ink is a little light, so I didn't post it.

Hp = 81.95 at 5.1K rpm and Tq = 100.13 at 3.02K rpm.


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Glad to see you finally got it back! I'm keeping an eye on mine. So far so good.

Those numbers are right in line with what fuel moto has posted. Reassuring to see consistent numbers.

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I installed the Boom Audio II amp and WHIM tonight. Found a couple of broken parts on the bike too. Left speaker grill top screw tab is cracked down the side and the wire tray cover is cracked. Bike must have been made on a Friday 20 minutes before the end of someone's shift. Gonna try and plastic weld the cracked tab to strengthen it and just buy a new wire tray cover.

Found the perfect spot for the WHIM software download port. Right under the seat just aft of the ECM. Seat clears it with plenty of room. Surprisingly, the hole was the exact same size as the port.


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Here's a pic of the cracked speaker grill tab. If anyone has any ideas on the best way and/or product to fix this, please let me know. Thanks.


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Pic of cracked wire tray cover. BTW, my brother just told me that his wire tray was cracked on his 2017 CVO as well. As much as these damn motorcycles cost, none of us should have to come out of pocket to pay for any damages that were caused at the factory level. Not sure what the new cover will cost, but I'm sure HD will rape me for it.


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I would try and have it taken care of under warranty. You just might be surprised.

I hear you Larry, however; I am trying to pick and choose my battles with the dealership and save them for the big ticket items, as dealing with the Service Manager where I bought the bike from (concerning the rocker box oil leak), was not a pleasant experience in the beginning. It was only after I wrote a letter to him, the General Manager and my Salesman, that I was able to right the ship. I think I'll end up welding the cracked inner fairing speaker tab with my soldering iron. It seems like it should be an easy fix. I may also try the same thing on the wire tray cover before buying a new one.
Ngot8r, how do you like the engine compared to your old built 107? I followed your build thread. I'm surprised you bought a new bike after all the work you did on the old one. Nice bike, enjoy it!
Ngot8r, how do you like the engine compared to your old built 107? I followed your build thread. I'm surprised you bought a new bike after all the work you did on the old one. Nice bike, enjoy it!

I only have a limited amount of seat time on the new bike (about 258 miles) and a couple of short rides on my brother's 2017 CVO SG which has a full V&H exhaust, Wood 222 cam and V&H FP3. What I can tell you is, my 2018 SGS and my brother's 2017 CVO are nowhere near close to performing like my TC 107 build does (that thing is just a monster). The M8's do have gobs of torque down low and the clutch feel is different to me. I don't have any immediate plans (notice I said no immediate plans, LOL), to tear into this motor, but who knows what will happen over time. Having said that, my brother just bought a Stage 4 SE kit (which includes CNC ported heads, bigger TB, injectors and 11.0:1 pistons), from the dealer yesterday. We were going to do the build ourselves, but the dealership was running a special and said they will do the install for free with the purchase of the kit. I believe he is going to swap out the SE cam for the Zipper's Redshift 468 cam. I'm sure he will want to try me on KOMODO when he gets it done. We will see! LOL

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