2017 SGS stageIV vs newer SGS 114 with cam


New member
Aug 12, 2017
I've found a 17 SGS with a SE stage IV kit. I know there's much more to the SE 144 kit over the factory release version 114, but if a good cam and tune are added to the newer 114, how comparable are they? The newer bike is more attractive to me personally, but what's the real power difference between the stage IV and the cammed newer 114?

They're asking $19k for the 17, and slightly more for the newer bike. There's also a 22 ST I e eyed with the 117, but that's a shade more than I'd like to spend, but doable if it's the right route.

Appreciate all opinions!
Was the oil pump replaced, with the newer version, on the '17?

The kit came with a larger throttle body, bigger injectors, and a larger cam. Plus a 10 plate clutch and heavier springs.

Now the newer 114 with the right cam, throttle body, injectors, and exhaust, will make a little bit more power. Provided the bike was made after mid 2019, it will have an upgrade oil pump in it already.

Those 2 options will need a tuning device if you want to do any performance updates or fine tuning of the ecm.

The ST is already sitting at the performance level of the SE 114 kit and the stock 114. If you can swing it, my choice would be the 117 with the ST.
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The oil pump was replaced. Dates i got real quick from the dealer were-
Stage 4 installed dec 17 with 3500ish miles.
Back in June 18 for issues and cam/oil pump replaced.
Back in again in July 18 for running on 1 cylinder.

I had to jump off the call at this point but planned on going back in to get a full report.

But after looking at everything a little more, it does seem the ST 117 would be the way to go. It's another 2500, but I'd probably have that much more into the 17 to replace the oil pump to the most recent design plus a tuner and and I've since read there are better cam options that work better than the se kit cam.

Pay now or pay later, either way. Just disappointed the ST is black, one this i really wanted to steer away from.

Thanks for the insight. We'll see where it goes.
Big bore upgrades were known to have issues with sumping because the oil pump wasn't up to the task. The latest design with the 8 lobe pump and seal on the crankcase side have virtually eliminated the sumping issues.

You are correct in stating that there are better cam choices than the SE brand. Just remember that these cams will work on the 107, 114, and 117 M8's, even on the big bore upgrades. But with a BB, you would need a different cam profile to go along with the extra cubic inches.

I would still go with the ST. Change the cam and save some $$ to have it painted to the color of your choice.

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