Wow, that is blacked out so much that it looks like you used photo editing to cut the AC out of the pic.'re right! Looking at it again, and it does appear that way...

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Wow, that is blacked out so much that it looks like you used photo editing to cut the AC out of the pic.
Picked up the fuel door today. Not sure how well it's gonna work to break up the sun glare, but it sure looks nice lol
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Added curved license plate holder today.. The plastic back plate and bolts looked to cheesy to leave on
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Well today I removed the Cobra Tuner I had installed when I purchased the bike. We then installed it on my buddy's 2015 Road Glide Special along with a Screaming Eagle Air filter. He is happy and will keep him dialed in for his needs.
I went to the TTS for multiple reasons. I was a little gun shy at first with the thought of flashing my ECM, but then I thought there have been plenty of guys before me to do it and it was pretty easy. I like the thought of nothing out in the elements, back up of my factory programming, Vtune software to let me tune it with help of the Flight recorder software, it allows me to set my RPM limit to 6200 RPM like if I took to dealer and they gave it a stage one flash (Now seeing how easy and they want $150 to do it, I am glad I bought it), can see any bad codes and clear them a little easier, plus I know there is a lot more as I reading the manual.
I do want to put out a big thanks to Steve at Fullsac. I reached out to him to ask if he had a good base map based on my bike with Arlen Ness Big Sucker, Fullsac DX head pipe and then Rinehart 4" slipons. In less than 24 hours he replied and attached a map.
Last Sunday 2 of my friends & I went on an Iron Butt Ride (Saddle Sore 1,000) 1,000 miles in 24 hours or less. We did 1,084 miles in 18.5 hours. It was a fun time. We rode from Lewiston, Id to Coeur d'Alene, Id then Big Timber, MT. we then turned around and went back to Coeur d'Alene, Id & home to Lewiston, Id.
I had rode over 1,000 miles in 24 hours once before but that was 27 years ago when I was only 37.
Iron Butt indeed JM!!
Heading to the Smoky Mountains, trailer loaded ..