What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

Bryan did you have your speaker grills painted or buy them that way???
Started my mock up.

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Looking good!!! Did you have to do a lot of finish work, and Are they 5" or 6"? I'm researching options for those too...

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Looking good!!! Did you have to do a lot of finish work, and Are they 5" or 6"? I'm researching options for those too...

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Thanks, they are 4.5" Topshop the fit and finish is great. They need a bit of body work, but not much.

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I see another expense coming those look so much better painted.

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Installed my Python Rayzer's and FuelPak today...effing WOW!!!!

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Well i broke down and decided to order a tour pack from harley. Didn't ever think I would want it, before I had ordered it. Now I'm super glad I did, also added some custom dynamic Plasma rods. 12226983_10200851178639629_3395143487543544628_n.jpg
rode to work today,30 minutes both ways, at a balmy 29 degrees a new personal record for me. soft lowers, fork fangs and 7 inch windshield has made my riding season longer than ever. Heated gloves and jacket plus layers have me toasty. 3000 miles in 4 months i think she's a keeper:D
I installed two new brake rotors on the front....ugh....after installing, I noticed the wheel is about 1/16 of an inch to the left. What does this mean? The left caliper now drags on the outside surface of the new rotor. I have no idea how this happened as its a straightforward install. Jack the bike, remove both calipers, like your changing brake pads, remove the axle bolt and slide thru, catching the right spacer and the front wheel sensor (ABS). Reverse to install. I even used new bolts to mount the rotor as recommended by HD. At first I thought I had the rotors reversed so I checked and the stamps are on the outside surface. While it was off, I swapped the left and right but....still the same. And...the ABS doesn't work....I took all precautions but...this isn't the first time I've done this, except on this bike. Soooo...I will take it to the dealer and see what they have to say about it. I'm wondering if this is somehow a factory defect and the reason my rotors were worn after 15,000 miles.

Went for v&h 4" slash cut rounds ,s&s teardrop air cleaner and v&h fp3 ,impressed with the fp3 and the sound of the pipes ,
O and a le pera bare bones gel seat ?
I installed two new brake rotors on the front....ugh....after installing, I noticed the wheel is about 1/16 of an inch to the left. What does this mean? The left caliper now drags on the outside surface of the new rotor. I have no idea how this happened as its a straightforward install. Jack the bike, remove both calipers, like your changing brake pads, remove the axle bolt and slide thru, catching the right spacer and the front wheel sensor (ABS). Reverse to install. I even used new bolts to mount the rotor as recommended by HD. At first I thought I had the rotors reversed so I checked and the stamps are on the outside surface. While it was off, I swapped the left and right but....still the same. And...the ABS doesn't work....I took all precautions but...this isn't the first time I've done this, except on this bike. Soooo...I will take it to the dealer and see what they have to say about it. I'm wondering if this is somehow a factory defect and the reason my rotors were worn after 15,000 miles.

So the bike came back from the dealers today and they found the tire had been installed on the wheel backwards. When I replaced the rotors, I installed the tire/wheel in the correct orientation...with the arrow in the direction of rotation, but that meant the wheel was now backwards and the ABS magnate on the wrong side. I never noticed the different color of bearings but next time...

I also needed a front tire so I had that put on and during the process, they asked me if I had ever hit a pothole. A few months ago, I was in San Pedro, Ca on a busy street and there was a deep pothole about the size of a basketball I didn't see and hit it square on, doing about 25 mph. I had pulled over to check the bike but didn't see anything wrong so I kept riding. During the tire change, they noticed an area on the wheel about ten inches long that was "indented" about 1/8th inch...Holy crap...

And....during their inspection, they found the shift lever was worn, again, so they decided to break the case and replace the shifter shaft and noticed the compensation sprocket was worn, so they replaced that...This will be the 3rd shift lever they've replaced in a year. I asked the tech if I should carry a spare shift lever, he laughed and said it might not be a bad idea. All in all, I got a lot of work done under warranty and I just had to buy a new tire.
Braved 39° yesterday morning on the way to work, left early, and met my bro at Parkside Bar and Grill (beside Hershey Park) for some ice cold refreshment. Pretty freaking chilly on the way home too...brrrrr.

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Braved 39° yesterday morning on the way to work, left early, and met my bro at Parkside Bar and Grill (beside Hershey Park) for some ice cold refreshment. Pretty freaking chilly on the way home too...brrrrr.

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Didn't need much ice for the cold refreshment did you?....I have a Gerbing heated liner for those days.
Mojo how many miles did you get out of those tires????

Tom, I changed them at 16k. They probably had another 3-4k in them (Fr & Rr) but I couldn't pass up the the special they offered on Black Friday PLUS the slower business day to get it all done.
Free labor to change them out, 15% discount on tires and pads PLUS a $30 gift card.
Pretty good mileage anyway compared to mine. Can't pass a deal like that up without kicking yourself later.

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