Post your new 2016 here with photos!!!

My '16 FLHXS from SW Ohio


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Mine so far...
Installed today tribal floorboards black pans tribal brake pedal
Tomorrow powder coated engine guard with tribal hwy pegs
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Charcoal Denim
Screamin Eagle Heavy Breather
Vance & Hines Monster Rounds
Chrome front end
After a 10 year break, not by choice, I finally got back in to the game. Only had her a few days and already my blood pressure has dropped. Better than any medicine out there. I've got a lot I would like to do to her, but I think I have a pretty decent start.

Picked mine up about a month or so ago. Still in the process of getting to where I want it to be in looks and performance departments. Kept my old Deuce for sentimental value.20160529_154107.jpg
Well, this is my first Harley.. Been riding Vulcan 1500 Classics (big twin) since about 96 and decided to join the rest of my riding group and join the Harley family.

Originally I was sold on the Amber Whiskey paint.. My dealer spent a couple days searching other dealers for one since he did not have one in stock. On the next Monday, he called to let me know he located one. I said, "You might want to hold off on that man.. That Crushed Ice Pearl caught my eye when the sun hit it as I was leaving the dealership last time..." Turned out to be a SG base with ABS and Security added. Only missing the Nav to be an SGS. Haven't seen one of these posted yet so I thought I would share mine.. Pictures really do it no justice unless you can catch he sun just right on it.. (The close up of the right bag is about as close as I can get to capturing it in a picture...)
I get so many comments on this paint.. It usually starts with "Why did you pick white?" Then as they get closer, it usually changes to "Nevermind.. I get it now!"

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^^^I have to say that the white caught my eye every single time I walked into the showroom at my local dealer. Still ended up buying black
Nice bike and your close to my old stomping grounds. Moved out of California in 1980 but I lived over on the coast from you in Mendocino. I go through the Clear lake are every year or sometimes a couple of times.
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2016 Street Glide Custom. It was originally done to put on display for the dealer at the Easyrider show in Nashville back in February, got a great deal on it about 2 weeks ago.
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