Primary overfilled ???

My thoughts exactly. I am waiting for a call back from Harley customer service. If they continue down this road I will demand to talk to managers and lead techs until I get a satisfactory answer and plan of repair.

File a complaint with your State Attorney General. I believe they all have a web page you can use to file the complaint. All complaints must be investigated by law. As Hurrican said, the dealers approach is putting you in potential danger. The AG will not take that lightly.
I’ve used my AG in the past, and it worked every time. No business wants to risk a full blown AG investigation by not resolving the issue as soon as they get the first inquiry from the AG. That’s like asking for an IRS audit.
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My thoughts exactly. I am waiting for a call back from Harley customer service. If they continue down this road I will demand to talk to managers and lead techs until I get a satisfactory answer and plan of repair.

I did call Harley Customer Service back and she said she had forwarded my issue to Harley Consumer relations and also to a lead tech, Tech Services called the dealer back and said they were sending out a Master Tech to take a look at my bike in 4-6 weeks. Also said that the 5000 mile recommendation is put on hold so I can check and have the dealer check fluid levels any time. I have talked to several people who have 2018's and none are experiencing then same problem. I am going to ride it enjoy it and check the fluid every ride until the tech gets out here.
I did call Harley Customer Service back and she said she had forwarded my issue to Harley Consumer relations and also to a lead tech, Tech Services called the dealer back and said they were sending out a Master Tech to take a look at my bike in 4-6 weeks. Also said that the 5000 mile recommendation is put on hold so I can check and have the dealer check fluid levels any time. I have talked to several people who have 2018's and none are experiencing then same problem. I am going to ride it enjoy it and check the fluid every ride until the tech gets out here.

Me too, and taking a small bottle of tranny fluid and an allen wrench when I travel.

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I’m at @ 700 miles from when HD put dye in my tranny, the fluid level doesn’t seem to have budged on the dipstick?

I think the dye fixed it.


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Unfortunately I get to join the disappointed Harley Davidson owners who no longer have the confidence in my motorcycle to ride it like I prefer. Long distant touring rides along highways and back roads.
I discovered the low transmission oil level at about 7500 before a planned long trip. The bike had been serviced at 1000 and 5000 and the service manager assured me the fluids (formula+) in the chain case and the transmission had been brought up to the required levels. He made the appropriate calls to the HD tech center and they sent out a fix for the low oil level in the transmission and my local dealer installed it. By the way, my dealer followed the directions given by HD tech center. They started by removing the derby cover and were flooded with the missing
oil from the transmission. The "fix" was installed and I made my long ride and had the 10K service preformed while in St.Louis. I specifically asked for formula+ in the transmission and chain case. I made my ride home to Florida from St.Louis, a ride of about 1200 miles and found that the transmission fluid level was off of the stick again. The fix did not fix the problem.
I too have a call into the service center but after reading several of these threads I don't have much hope. Most likely my last Harley depending on how Harley-Davidson remedies this problem.
You are very fortunate. I don't actually think that 700 miles is enough to determine that the issue is resolved. And adding dye is not a sealant. So keep checking the levels before taking a long trip out of town.
Good Luck to you.
You are very fortunate. I don't actually think that 700 miles is enough to determine that the issue is resolved. And adding dye is not a sealant. So keep checking the levels before taking a long trip out of town.
Good Luck to you.

Yea the (jk) at the bottom of my post meant that I was “just kidding”. Of course the dye isn’t a fix.

And no I’m expecting to be into this for a few thousand miles before needing tranny fluid.

I’m on a trip now with the bike, so I’m just gonna enjoy it and ride like I want. HD will get 3 tries to fix mine. Then I’ll go the lemon law path.

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Primary overfilled ???

FYI: Just returned from a 900 mile, 3 day very hot and hard ride, and the tranny fluid didn’t budge a hair. So that’s about 1700 miles on the current tranny fluid, Amsoil Severe Gear.

It doesn’t make sense that the transference of fluid isn’t gradual and measurable along with your mileage?

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FYI: Just returned from a 900 mile, 3 day very hot and hard ride, and the tranny fluid didn’t budge a hair. So that’s about 1700 miles on the current tranny fluid, Amsoil Severe Gear.

It doesn’t make sense that the transference of fluid isn’t gradual and measurable along with your mileage?

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Man that's strange. Very hard to solve a problem that isn't always a problem???
The "fix" was installed and I made my long ride and had the 10K service preformed while in St.Louis. I specifically asked for formula+ in the transmission and chain case. I made my ride home to Florida from St.Louis, a ride of about 1200 miles and found that the transmission fluid level was off of the stick again. The fix did not fix the problem.

Hey Tom, what was the “fix” HD installed, could you provide some details?

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I'm about to buy a 2018 Street Glide and after seeing this issue with the fluid transfer, I'm ready to withdraw my deposit even if it costs me a little. I've seen this on multiple forums so I'm really concerned...

From what I gather;

The source of the issue cannot be clearly found
There is no known solution

Therefore it can happen to 2018 MYs as well.

Alot of the threads I've been reading/googling all seem to be in 2017. Very few posts about 2018 MYs though...

Anyone know if this is still an issue?
I just did my second oil change on my 18 sgs with 4600 miles.checked levels before draining after seeing this thread and NO trans. Fluid on the dipstick,pulled derby cover off and full up to the hole almost leaking out.kinda sucks after watching a video posted on here that hd has found a way out by saying it has to be more than 5 ounces in 1k miles of fluid transfer or some crap like that!!!.makes me wonder about ever spending another 28k with hd.
Check out Macomb County Choppers, They have a fix, by changing the Rod that goes from Primary to Tranny. I just Bought one and installed. Now I'll see what happens
Did you have the problem before-hand? i hope it works. I did a google search on Macomb County Choppers and along with their website, I saw another forum that mentioned the fix. On that forum, while no one has used/tried it, they said it was based off of a fix someone in Germany did. Apparently it wasn't a 100% fix as some still had the problem afterwards... But who knows... I'm still going to go through with the purchase keeping my fingers crossed, the one I pick doesn't have/develop the problem...

Check out Macomb County Choppers, They have a fix, by changing the Rod that goes from Primary to Tranny. I just Bought one and installed. Now I'll see what happens

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