What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

I went out to get some lunch, and got home about 5 hours later. Decided I'd do some auto tuning and ended up riding all the way down to Tucson then back.

Time for my 40k oil change. And riding season in the desert is just beginning!

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I went out to get some lunch, and got home about 5 hours later. Decided I'd do some auto tuning and ended up riding all the way down to Tucson then back.

Time for my 40k oil change. And riding season in the desert is just beginning!

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Added an Oberon adjustable clutch lever. Made a huge difference in controlling that friction zone.

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Changed oil in all three holes. Damn that synthetic stuff adds up when you need 5 quarts plus a filter! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't ride so much.

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Az.........I'll be doing the same thing this week. What oil selection did you go with? I've been using the syn 3 in all 3 holes.
Az.........I'll be doing the same thing this week. What oil selection did you go with? I've been using the syn 3 in all 3 holes.
I'm a loyalist to Mobil 1 and use their v-twin 20w50, but admittedly it would save a few bucks to use non motorcycle oil in the crank case and tranny (that way I still have the motorcycle oil in the primary with the clutch). Seen a lot of good stuff about it and it's sold right by my house, unlike amsoil which is near impossible to find. I also use K&n filters for the nut welded on the end for easy take off.

Sadly looks like I'm taking the truck to work tomorrow to drop off some supplies. Poor bike will have to stay home.

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Changed oil in all three holes. Damn that synthetic stuff adds up when you need 5 quarts plus a filter! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't ride so much.

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Still, a whole lot cheaper than having the dealer do it!!! :cool:



Moved the bike over and now my winter smoking lounge is open....lol

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Washed and waxed the bike. I forget how much that girl shines when it's cared for! Changed spark plugs too. I've had the bike for 23 months, 40k miles but it's a 2014 so I'd call it overdue.
(wow that pic got washed out. It's bright out.)

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Last edited:
Removed this ugly mess...


And installed this tight little “sucker”:


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Wrecked it. Or it wrecked me. Got rear ended on the off ramp.

Arm is scraped a tiny bit, ankle hurts from a Harley landing on it and my back hurts. Helmet is untouched as I stayed on top of her for most of the ride. Effing annoyed but more so that I had a dk custom intake waiting on my doorstep when I finally got home.

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Wrecked it. Or it wrecked me. Got rear ended on the off ramp.

Arm is scraped a tiny bit, ankle hurts from a Harley landing on it and my back hurts. Helmet is untouched as I stayed on top of her for most of the ride. Effing annoyed but more so that I had a dk custom intake waiting on my doorstep when I finally got home.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Oh man that sucks! Glad you’re home and not laid up in the hospital. Or worse.

How’s the bike?

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Oh man that sucks! Glad you’re home and not laid up in the hospital. Or worse.

How’s the bike?

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I started a thread which I'll keep updated. Bike is at the highway patrol yard and insurance has been called. Right saddlebag is in a million pieces and left is pretty effed up. Fairing is broken, mirror fell off, Highway Peg is bent and battered. Engine seems fine and no oil leaks which is a real good sign. And of course my rear Fender is destroyed. License plate even fell off and got run over multiple times! Poor thing.

I keep all my vehicle receipts so I can document every add on (this has helped me in the past). If it's repaired I'll make sure it's back to as I had it. If it's totalled I'll make sure I get my money. The one thing I haven't ever dealt with is lawyers. I've never used one and I'm not sure if I should or shouldn't call one.

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Ok, I’ll keep up at your new thread. As far as lawyers, I’d be surprised if you’re not solicited by a few ambulance chasers next week. Just keep in mind, them lawyers aren’t always the best ones. If you hear from that little girl’s insurance company, DON’T sign anything, get a lawyer ASAP.

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