What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

Yeah, thinking back on how things evolved after I got my 2015 SGS, I have to laugh. I started out having Mean City Cycles modify the stock seat and backrests to fit me and my wife comfortably. We then took our first ride which was 175 miles and discovered that was her limit before experiencing discomfort. My wife saw my buddy's wife sitting comfortably on his CVO Limited and said she wanted; in her words, "a captains chair too." Needless to say, we bought a king tour pack, speaker pods, speakers, an HD Sundowner seat and floorboards. Problem was, the rider portion of the Sundowner seat didn't fit me, so I had to send that seat out to Mean City Cycles too. Now the bike fits both of us comfortably, but it totally changed the look of the bike. Thankfully I was able to snag a 2018 SGS, which will be my solo bike, while the 2015 SGS will remain our touring bike. Things got out of control very quickly. LOL
Talking about at least she approved hahahahaha. I just asked to buy another bike, she gave me the death stare
Talking about at least she approved hahahahaha. I just asked to buy another bike, she gave me the death stare

Haha, yes she did. She has always been aware that I sacrificed the look of the 2015 SGS, in order to make it comfortable for her, so she was all for me getting a second scoot. It's weird though, because not only is the 2015 set up for touring, it is a hot rod as well and I love it!
Haha, yes she did. She has always been aware that I sacrificed the look of the 2015 SGS, in order to make it comfortable for her, so she was all for me getting a second scoot. It's weird though, because not only is the 2015 set up for touring, it is a hot rod as well and I love it!

So cool....here’s a pic of that seat
I've seen those Air Hawk bladders. I actually thought about buying one in the beginning, but then I found out about MCC. Does your dealership have demo seats that they loan out to customers? Mine does and that's how my wife and I decided on the Sundowner. It was very comfortable right out of the box. The only problem was, the rider portion had me sitting too high and at 5'07" tall, my feet were not flat on the ground. That's why I had to send it out to MCC for the Super Narrow mod with memory foam.
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I installed a LRS 10" flat top a few days ago. Love it! There is so little wind noise and I feel so stable riding with my face shield up. Of course today was raining on the way to work and the lack of wind blast on my face shield meant I couldn't see through the rain drops on it. I KNEW it was raining and failed to apply rain-x. That's my fault.

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I just started mine up in the garage and listened to the Torque Cam/Stage ll idle for a few minutes. Can't wait till the weather breaks!!! :cool:
I live in Az so I started mine up put it in gear and hit the road smiling. Now the peak of the summers suck but head for the high country.
Installed a j&m 330w amp and speaker kit. Total time was about 2 hours. Those lower bolts that hold on the speaker pods are such a pain in the bum!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Installed a j&m 330w amp and speaker kit. Total time was about 2 hours. Those lower bolts that hold on the speaker pods are such a pain in the bum!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Oh yeah, removing those six pesky little bolts will result in busted knuckles if you're not careful. The few times I have done speaker replacements on 14 and up bikes was a PITA because of them. How does the new system sound? Did you install the WHIM while you were in there?
System sounds great. Of course my helmet adds a lot of attenuation but I can hear the music clearly again! Harley is a bunch of evil geniuses for selling a bike with a 1990s portable radio stuffed in the fairing.

No whim for me. I've never had a helmet with a headset in it. Since I regularly switch between a half and 3/4 helmet I'd have to get two headsets too. Cha ching!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
System sounds great. Of course my helmet adds a lot of attenuation but I can hear the music clearly again! Harley is a bunch of evil geniuses for selling a bike with a 1990s portable radio stuffed in the fairing.

No whim for me. I've never had a helmet with a headset in it. Since I regularly switch between a half and 3/4 helmet I'd have to get two headsets too. Cha ching!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Well said brother. Don't forget the dealer cost to activate the wireless headset within the infotainment system too. HD's method of operation is akin to Riff-Raff from the Underdog Show hanging people upside down by their ankles and shaking all of the money from their pockets. Anyone with a HD knows this to be very true. See them/him in action in the link below. LMAO (not really).

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Well said brother. Don't forget the dealer cost to activate the wireless headset within the infotainment system too. HD's method of operation is akin to Riff-Raff from the Underdog Show hanging people upside down by their ankles and shaking all of the money from their pockets. Anyone with a HD knows this to be very true. See them/him in action in the link below. LMAO (not really).


There is more truth to that then you know. Maybe we should show the salesman and parts guys before we even talk to them ha ha ha

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