What did you do to your bike today?

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Well tomorrow I'll be detailing the bike after being away for 3 1/2 weeks. I'm going crazy for a ride.
Bike detailed and headed to Key West for Poker Run

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1000 mile service and Clutch Master Cylinder recall. The 1000 mile service with Synthetic was free, so that made me :)
Installed the clear plastic protector sheets on the front of the saddlebags And installed the Harley solo rider headset adaptor onto the tank and under the fairing. The fairing removal was scary but turned out to be a non-event.


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Put on new throttle cables on wife's 08 Fatboy then found the rear wheel bearings are going bad so in to the shop today. Then as the rain continued I detailed my SGS and got a shot between rain showers.


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Put on my Streetglide Sundowner, the older one versus the one made for the 14's. Wife loves it! Now soon as the pipes come from CM_Jeff and Coastal Moto I will be set until next spring. I highly, highly recommend Jeff and CM, their customer service is bar none, their prices were THE best and they are sponsors of this site.
Is that a whip hanging from your bars and if so what color is it ?
Hard to tell.

Get on your bad motor scooter and ride

Lol its brown leather fringe and does wipe me once and a while. Keeps me awake on long rides lol

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Not today, but yesterday, I took it into the dealer to get that clutch recall taken care of. When I came home and grabbed the mail, I got my recall notification letter.

I was going to cut the baffles out after I made it home, but by the time I wanted to get started on that, it decided to rain for the rest of the day. I'll get it done one of these days.

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I got it really dirty riding in a downpour from my house to downtown Reno for Street Vibrations... 5 miles south was cloudy skies and no rain the entire day... sled looked like crap!
Dirt will always wash off but bugs here in Florida can eat into your paint and chrome.

I took your advice and removed most of the bugs with some stuff called Bug Kutter that is OK on denim paint (Bug Slide is good too on gloss paint). I used Harley Denim Paint Cleaner on the brake dust around the front calipers.

It seems that the dull etched spots that bug guts make in gloss finishes blends into the denim finish quite well.
Had the latest recall fixed. And got suckered into some senseless bling! While it was there I OK the upgrade to the chrome reservoir covers. :) How they shine.
Had the latest recall fixed. And got suckered into some senseless bling! While it was there I OK the upgrade to the chrome reservoir covers. :) How they shine.

Gosh! You're a Harley Dealers dream! None of us have ever been enticed to do that!! :eek:
I got the clutch master cyl recall done on my bike and thankfully was able to restrain myself from buying bling for the bike
What did you do to your bike today?

Well it wasn't today it was Sunday but have been busy at work
black primary and floor boards and heel toe
black cam cover trans side cover brake pedal and lever (actually forgot to get trans top cover done and black ps boards on the way)
black dash and rear lights . Also did front bullets in black , air cleaner and such . Basically all chrome going away. Still waiting on highway bar/ crash bar and apes and chin spoiler from bad dad and yaffe
pls excuse the mess in the garage

Former Jersey Jeepers treasurer
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