hulkss, you're doing a fantastic job so far! Per your request, here are a few important tips that will make things a little easier for you.
1. Do not trust that the rings have been pre gapped, because mine weren't. I used a diamond wheeled ring grinder and only took material off of one side on each ring. This will take a little work, as you will grind, test fit rings into the jugs (using an old piston turned upside down with the top ring removed to square up the rings) and measure the gaps; repeating these steps until you get the desired gaps. Oh and don't forget to deburr the ends of the rings after you grind them.
2. Install one wrist pin clip into each piston before installing the pistons onto the rods, so that you will only have to fight with the last two clips.
3. Double check the positions of the ring gaps one last time before you fit the jugs over the pistons because they will move around a little when you're installing the last two wrist pin clips. Marking the ring positions on top of the piston with a sharpie marker before hand will help with orientation. See attached pic.
4. If you're using FM adjustable pushrods, put 4 full turns plus 5 flats on each one.
5. Disassemble lifters, drain oil, spray with brake and parts cleaner and reassemble them before you install them into the lifter bores and begin your adjustments of the pushrods. If you do this, you won't have to wait for them to bleed down during pushrod adjustments. I didn't do this on my first build, but did on the second build and will be sticking with this method from here on out.
Those are the most important things that I can think of as you move forward with this part of the build.