FP3, The Auto-Tune Process Explained

You're always willing to help. Good job and as always thanks again for your service; here on this forum and to our country.
Thanks all...

Just clocked another 180+ miles in the Sierra Mountains... concentrating on what range for throttle and rpm in needed to be at.... substantial increase in green population


Almost there...

THIS Auto-tune session I am documenting has been for a total of 586 miles thus far.

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Stupid question - If you had your sled dyno already will this help you out? .... BTW need to pin this thread

Stupid question - If you had your sled dyno already will this help you out? .... BTW need to pin this thread
Thanks.... and STUCK!

You had a dyno done... with another tuner?

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Have you noticed any benefit regarding power since you have been running the auto tune feature ?


Have you noticed any benefit regarding power since you have been running the auto tune feature ?

I am still running the session.... when I finish, I will post the differences over the canned map. Since I am running a Pro Pipe, comp baffle, high flow AC, there was an exact canned map for my setup and ran it for many months... but wanted to see if the auto-tune would have a benefit. I am in a higher altitude than where the canned maps are made... so I am hoping for some good results.

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Had problems tonight with my Fuelpak. Stopped to get gas and after filling up I applied my autotune and everything applied. Went to start the bike and sounded and felt like it was running in limp mode or on one cylinder. I tried flashing to stock and then flashing back to my tune. No luck. Had to get the bike home while it was running like this. Took a screen shot of the codes it was throwing. Cleared them and it's to late to start the bike now at home here. Kids a asleep and it will surely wake them up. Lol.


Here is the codes it had. Cleared them. Anyone have any idea what the heck could be wrong? Plan to call Vance and Hines tomorrow. Help!?

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Fuelpak or FP3?

Did you apply or finish? Applying the tune keeps you in autotune....

Also... check your O2 sensors... make sure your connections are correct. Black connector goes to rear cylinder headpipe and gray goes to front.

Once you ensure they are correct, clear your codes
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I applied. And the O2 sensors are fine. Been riding the bike for a couple hundred miles with the FP3. And maybe 100 miles with the autotune on. So it only happened when I tried to apply tonight so I don't think it's and O2 sensor issue. Hmm

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FP3, The Auto-Tune Process Explained

I had the same problem. Seemed like it was running on one cylinder. I finished the auto tune, erased the new maps, then re flashed my map and started auto tuning all over again. Ran fine after. I wish I knew what had happened.

2014 FLHXS
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After I reflashed I checked the codes again and don't have any. One of the codes was for loss of communication with the ECM. So I'm hoping it was just a glitch. Thanks for letting me know it could be ok. I would like to know if I had done something wrong.

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I'm sure it is just a glitch. I've applied quite a few times, so I'm wondering if applying too many times messes it up.

2014 FLHXS
I hope so. Although this was only my first time applying.

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Comm loss error code is common and occurs almost each time you connect/disconnect

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Finish my session. Just shy of 630 miles. Now have to assess the changes and improvements over about a week.... then I'll report the differences between the canned map and my auto-tune map

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Started it up today and and seems to be running ok. Can't ride it since it's raining but while it was running it didn't throw any codes. Supposed to be nicer tomorrow hopefully it was just a mistake on my part in the autotuning process. Not sure what I could have done wrong but it freaked me out.

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Spazz, That's a lot of miles. Should run great! Did you save all of your screen shots?

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Spazz, That's a lot of miles. Should run great! Did you save all of your screen shots?

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Of course I did :cool:.... only 5 or 6..... I was getting down to getting very little change between the 5th and 6th and decided it was time. Just riding today back and forth to work showed a MAJOR improvement in throttle response ( set to moderate ) and haven't had a decel pop yet and hit 5500 rpms a few times to check. Low end was suffering a bit with the comp baffle and canned map compared to the standard baffle and canned map... ( each baffle requires it's own map ) but there is significant improvement on low end pull... so far... I'm diggin it. I wouldn't expect it to be worse though....lol....

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