From ________ to Streetglide?

Went from a Suzuki M109R to a 13 move ever

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76 sporty I still have to a 14 heritage softale classic to my 17 SGS always wanted a Streetglide but I waited and hohummed then test rode my Mistress and was sold right then and there 🤙

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Just got my 17 street glide special last month. Had lots of previous metrics. My favorite was my 2006 road star warrior. Had it 9 years and 46,000 miles. My last bike I had that I just traded for the SG was a Victory Octane. Fast bike and nimble but noisy and buzzy motor on the highway. Wasn't a very good 2-up bike either. Don't miss it one bit.
I had a 2004 Warrior. I traded it for my 2008 Fatbob.
They are pretty bad ass but the ride was a kidney killer...
I started riding street bikes 2 years ago and my first bike was a 1994 Sporster 883. I rode it for about 5 months before taking the plunge in the world of Street Glides. I cant ever imagine going back to a small bike again.
Nice looking bike smr. Those crotch rockets were fun but can't imagine going back now!!

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07 honda shadow 750 that my brother pretty much gave me. To a 17 sgs. I treat the honda like a dirt bike, it's seen the ground a time or two

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