Gas Cap

Mine seems OK so far but my buddy just stopped by Harley to get a new one. I was surprised they had to order it.
There is a service bulletin on the gas caps. If you go into the dealership they are suppose to have replacements. Bad batch of caps.
Glad I saw this thread. I have the hardest time with my gas cap. Thought it was me. I will contact the dealer.
I had mine replaced and it worked fine, until it didn't! I guess I'll stop by the dealer and see what they say this time.
I had mine replaced and it worked fine, until it didn't! I guess I'll stop by the dealer and see what they say this time.

They gave me another gas cap, and said the ethenol was warping the caps, and this one should be resistant. It looked like the same one packaging and everything as the one they replaced my original with. So I guess I will see how long this one lasts.
I took mine to my dealer and they replaced it. It works way better.

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Gas cap

Gas cap

Update: I found one dealer nearby that actually says they've encountered this before and the solution is a gas cap replacement under warranty... I might actually ride out to this dealer since they're at least acknowledging people are having issues.

Will any dealer honor the warranty? Or do you think they'll tell me I have to get it taken care of at the dealer I bought the bike from?

Can you tell me which dealership you found that helped you? I live in Newport Beach so we probably use the same ones
yes there is aproblem. need cap replaced by the dealer under warranty. Need to have a new cap with a Green dot on the inside of it. If you don't have the green dot get it replaced.

Hey guys, I was curious and searched on here but found nothing...
Have any on you had problems with the gas cap being extremely hard to turn on or off the tank? I am having trouble with mine and so is a buddy. Both 2016 SGS.. When I first bought it back in November it was fine but here recently it has been hard to twist.
They replaced mine about two months ago under warranty. I was out for a long weekend of riding and stopped for gas - couldn't get the cap off! It was embarrassing as all hell, had to grab a pair of pliers to get it off....funny now that I look back at it but was rough at the time
Got my new gas cap today. The dealer had plenty of them and was aware of the issue. They said it is a recall but Harley corporate isn't really acknowledging it. The guy couldn't believe how hard it was to get my gas cap off. Took some work.
One of the first things I tested on my new M8 was the gas cap. It has the revised model. They have a painted dot on the inside.
Got a letter in the mail today. Seems Harley is finally publicly acknowledging the issue. Too bad they didn't do this sooner.
I thought this was just supposed to be a pain in the butt. Well when I go in for my 1k service I will mention this and get it swapped. Thanks for the heads up on this.
This is very disappointing. Coming from metric bikes this is my first bike that has a cap. I was quite surprised the first time I went to fill up and found one. Espescially with all the Rushmore hype of "one touch". Seems to me it would be a simple upgrade for the motor company to provide a true one touch chrome cap/cover. Just saying.
I have had two replaced under warranty and now with the letter from MOCO, looks as if I will be getting some more unless they come up with a better cap.
According to my findings, the "new improved" cap has a blue dot inside near the threaded portion. My M8 has no issues.

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